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 RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!)

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RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) Empty
PostSubject: RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!)   RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) EmptySun Nov 13, 2011 5:29 pm

(( so I'll just start a cafe RP, feel free to RP in whatever style your comfortable with! >u<))

Tristan's lip quivered slightly as he tried to keep his teeth from chattering, he had never been much of a cold-weather person. A bell rung as he stepped through the door of a small cafe, his face half-consumed by a large scarf and thick rimmed glasses. While the idea of going to a cafe by himself wasn't very pleasing, the prospect of a warm coffee to fight the chill in the air had won him over. After taking a few moments to remove his scarf and fix his hair, Tristan walked up to the counter and stared at the large over-head menu, contemplating what to get.
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RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!)   RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) EmptySun Nov 13, 2011 10:32 pm

Zeal entered the cafe while glancing around to see what was going on. Decided after a while he lined up behind Kiwi.

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RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!)   RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) EmptySun Nov 13, 2011 10:54 pm

Tristan heard the clack of shoes behind him as someone came to stand in line. Fixing his bangs nervously, Tristan tried to quickly decide on what to get, but he had never been to this cafe before, there were so many options and he was very picky when it came to coffee flavors. "Here, go ahead" Tristan offered the stranger while taking a step to the side with a small attempt at a smile before resuming his intense concentration on the menu.
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RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!)   RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) EmptySun Nov 13, 2011 11:03 pm

"No, You go first. I am still thinking as well. I hear the hastenut is good this time of year." Zeal offered.

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RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!)   RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) EmptyMon Nov 14, 2011 7:04 pm

Cyn sat in a small table in the corner of the cafe, already enjoying the warmth of the hot chocolate she held in her hands. She was absently gazing out the window when the boys' entrance and conversation brought her mind back to the present moment. "I'd recommend the hot cocoa, personally. The chocolate they use here is divine..." She half-mumbled the second half of her sentence, distracted briefly by something happening outside the window, but then stifled a giggle at her own lack of focus. "Unless you're looking for a caffeine fix, that is!"
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RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!)   RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) EmptyMon Nov 14, 2011 8:04 pm

((omg your characters are so cute guys!! ;u; ))

Tristan continued staring at the menu for another couple moments before he realized that people were talking to him. Taking his place back in line, Tristan turned to look at the two people that were spoke to him, seeing how he was too pre-occupied with the menu to observe his surroundings before. His eyes first grazed the boy standing behind him with cute black and white hair, and then traveled to a pretty girl with pink hair that was sitting down at a small table. Seeing how the menu was getting him nowhere he decided to take the boys suggestion."You guys sound like you know your stuff, I think I'll take a hazelnut latte with an extra espresso shot. " After paying the cashier,Tristan addressed the girl at the table with a small cheeky grin "oh yes, i am most defiantly here for a caffeine fix."
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RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!)   RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) EmptyTue Nov 15, 2011 8:12 pm

((thanks!! your tristan is cute too! :3 heck, I love all the characters in this group...))

"Of course, of course!" Cyn said, smiling wide as she took another sip of cocoa and averting her eyes from the boy, now in front of her, to the window again. "Especially in this frightfully cold weather! I'd just as soon be bundled up inside my own home, fast asleep..." She put her cup down on the table and returned her attention to him. "But I suppose hiding away from society forever just wouldn't be the right thing to do!" She winked and held out her hand to the boy. "I'm Cyn. That's short for Cynthia, but the only time people really call me that is when they're angry with me. And what might your name be?"
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RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!)   RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) EmptyTue Nov 15, 2011 11:19 pm

(( thanks! asdajkakjsg i know right? I just drew like 15 chibis of some of the characters because they are just too cute ;A;))

Though Tristan's huddled up posture was enough to prove it was cold, he nodded in agreement "I get where you're coming from with that one" Tristan replied with a joking bluntness "But I guess a good cup of coffee beats staying home alone." Returning Cyn's wink playfully Tristan shook her hand "Cyn huh? That name suits you, it sounds very "pink"...well at least to me. The names Tristan." Tristan let go of Cyn's hand and fixed his bangs with a small shake of his head, a bit of a habit. Tristan glanced at the counter, wondering why his coffee was taking so long, but didn't mind too much because he was enjoying the new company.
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RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!)   RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) EmptyThu Nov 17, 2011 1:44 am

((Thankies and I love your characters too! >D ))

"Oh! Hot Chocolate sounds nice on a cold day." Zeal grinned. "I am Zeal. Nice to meet you both." Zeal smiled sweetly.

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RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!)   RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) EmptyThu Nov 17, 2011 6:48 pm

Cyn nodded to Tristan's reply, but couldn't help but giggle at his opinion of her 'pink-sounding' name. "Thanks! It's meaning is... Well, something about the moon, I seem to recall. You'd think a name meant to represent the moon would be more elegant..." She shrugged. "But I like Cyn just fine. Tristan, though, that's a wonderful name! Do you know what it means?" She looked to Zeal and nodded. "Hello, Zeal! Nice to meet you as well."
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RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!)   RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) EmptyThu Nov 17, 2011 8:52 pm

Tristan gave a small chuckle at Cyn's description of her name "ahaha I would expect something more elegant, but hey at least your name has a meaning. Im doubt my name means anything at all, I'm pretty sure my parents aren't smart enough to come up with anything with a deep meaning." Tristan stated casually, shrugging his shoulders. Tristan turned to greet the boy from before and was slightly surprised at how tall he was up close. "Oh hi there, Zeal right? neat name. I'm trista-" Tristan was interrupted by his name being called for his coffee. "one second" Tristan said apologetically as he went up to get his Hazelnut coffee. After a couple moments he returned with a smile "anyways, The names Tristan, and I hope you are right about the hazelnut being good."
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PostSubject: Re: RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!)   RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) EmptyThu Nov 17, 2011 9:13 pm

"You too, Cyn." Zeal smiled getting to order. "Same to you Tristan. My name means 'With Passion' My Mother was a fox...Heh" Zeal added.

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RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!)   RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) EmptyFri Nov 18, 2011 1:53 am

Not bothering to remove his hands from their warm place within his leather jacket, Cullen pushed open the Cafe door with his shoulder. Using the heel of his army boots he helped the door close faster, preventing any heat from escaping more. Cullen took a moment to enjoy the heated building and the smells of coffee lingering in the air. Unzipping his jacket from that choked feeling around his neck, he made his way to the counter to scope out what could warm his insides.

He stood at the counter, his weight on one leg, his arms crossed while a free hand rubbed the scruff of his chin thoughtfully as he glanced over the menu.

(( yea first time trying RP :'D Go easy on me! ))
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RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!)   RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) EmptyFri Nov 18, 2011 6:01 pm

"Aww! Tristan, I'm sure your name has SOME sort of meaning! If not, you could always make up a meaning that suits you... Hehe. Someone had to make up the meanings in the first place, anyway." She took another sip of her cocoa, but barely avoided a spit take when she heard Zeal's comment about his name's meaning. "Pfft- Ahaha! Aha- oh.." Cyn glanced around nervously, raising her sleeves to cover her reddening face. "Oh goodness, my laugh is so... Loud. " She blushed hard and looked down at the table. "But that was pretty funny, Zeal! I'm sure she was... But oh, I hope no one heard my awful laugh."
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RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!)   RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) EmptySun Nov 20, 2011 9:53 am

Tristan jumped slightly at Cyn's laugh, not expecting it. "pfft ahaha I can't believe that laugh came out of you!" Tristan laughed at a lower volume but stopped after seeing Cyn's reddening face "but hey don't worry about it, we all gotta laugh somehow." He gave her a small grin before getting distracted by a man with bright orange hair who just walked in. Thinking about how the dude didn't look like the cafe type, Tristan absent-mindedly took a sip of his coffee and instantly let out a loud yelp. "H-hot!" he said in surprise, sticking out his tongue which was now almost the same shade as the red tongue-ring he was wearing. Feeling like he had just lost half of his taste-buds, Tristan looked down at his drink "Well I guess I won't be tasting this anymore."
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RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!)   RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) EmptySun Nov 20, 2011 12:25 pm

Cullen turned from his 'important' menu reading to glance at the group behind him, thinking how such a small group of people could erupt into such a loud uproar. His attention then drifted to the drink the guy with the tongue ring held. With powerful strides, Cullen walked up to the stranger. His eyes locked on the steaming drink. Taking the drink from him, he popped open the lid opposite on the rim the boy took a drink from.

"What is this? I want a taste of it." He said and took a sip before waiting for a reply from the drink's owner. He lowered the cup and thoughtfully licked his lips. "That's not too bad. You got good tastes kid." He grinned and handed the cup back before returning to the counter to place his order. "I'll have what he got." Cullen said gesturing behind him to the boy with a thumb.
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RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!)   RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) EmptyMon Nov 21, 2011 5:27 pm

Tristan felt his drink be lifted out of his hand, and he stared at the orange-haired stranger in a stunned silence, his tongue still poking out of his mouth slightly. After the cup had been returned Tristan regained his senses as an irritated scowl formed on his face. "Good taste? Thanks, I wish I could say the same too you." He snapped, Wiping off the side of his cup that Cullen had drank from with disdain. After a moment to control his irritation, Tristan took a deep sigh and a sip from his coffee, facing the stranger. "Well that was certainly unexpected, and who might you be?" Though his tone was blunt, Tristan scowl was replaced with a mildly amused look.
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RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!)   RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) EmptyMon Nov 21, 2011 6:31 pm

He reached into his back pocket of his camo pants and withdrew his wallet. Popping it open, he pulled out the amount for the coffee and handed it to the cashier. "Oh yea, Sour Puss?" Cullen replied without turning from the counter and the cashier. The wallet snapped close with a loud pop. He placed it back in its original spot in his pocket, tucking in some of the extra chain that refused to follow the wallet. Cullen turned after receiving his drink, his boots clunking heavily along the cafe's floor as he approached the cluster of Kigus. He came to a stop in front of Tristan, looking down at him, Cullen's yellow orange eyes searched over the boy.

"Quite the Sour Puss aren't ya, Sour Puss?" He took a sip of his own drink and made his way to the table next to Cyn's. Pulling out a chair he sat down and used another chair to prop his army boot clad feet in it. Cullen stretched out between the chairs. He looked at Tristan again and grinned, hoping to ruffle the purple haired sour puss' fur again. "Name is Cullen Rider, what about you Sour Pussss?"
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RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!)   RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) EmptyMon Nov 21, 2011 7:52 pm

Cyn was about to say something to Tristan when the intimidating stranger walked in. She watched, taken aback, as he unexpectedly began stirring up chaos; however, her look of contempt soon turned to one of amusement. "Well, it would seem as though the embodiment of badass himself has arrived. I can't take that attitude seriously, I'm afraid. Your... " She glanced at his army boots, now propped on a previously un-muddied chair, before continuing; "... Big clunky army boots are quite out of place in this little cafe. Care to share any of the underlying insecurities that might be causing your overinflated, defensive ego, Mr. Cullen -" she stifled a fake cough in an attempt to cover her new nickname for him- "'Badass'- Rider?" She smiled as sweetly as she could bear in his direction before downing the rest of her cocoa, her amused smirk to returning to her lips.
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PostSubject: Re: RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!)   RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) EmptyMon Nov 21, 2011 8:38 pm

He tore his gaze from Tristan to the pink one who spoke up. His grin grew larger and he broke into a chuckle. Cullen raised his drink in a sort of cheers fashion to Cyn. "You got some fire to ya Pink. And here I was worried I would scare you off." He took another sip from his drink and sat it down on the table. "Glad to see you got some bite in you. " He turned to her again, "And who is to say I don't belong here? There a rule against boots now that I hadn't realized? I would like to think anyone is welcomed in this cafe. We are here to drink coffee aren't we?"
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RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!)   RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) EmptyMon Nov 21, 2011 10:12 pm

Tristan felt his fingers clinch into a fist and anger flare in his chest as Cullen called him "sour-puss", his newly-made fist yearning to punch this Cullen guy. Despite his appearance Tristan had been in plenty of fights, and this boot-clad man seemed to bring out a flame in him that he thought he put out long ago. But this was a cafe, not a bar. Tristan forced his hands to loosen and shot Cyn a warm, grateful smile for standing up against this Cullen. With a surprisingly calm stance, Tristan address Cullen, though his eyes were livid with disdain. "Tch, my name? I don't feel like telling you, you're not worth it." His tone was blunt, but a small smirk crossed his lips as he waited for Cullen's reaction.
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RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!)   RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) EmptyMon Nov 21, 2011 10:53 pm

Cyn nearly sighed in relief when she realized his faux-agression was... well, faux, as she had hoped, and not serious. But he'd still insulted Tristan, and she wasn't happy about that. She winked at Tristan in response to his smile before turning back to Cullen; "Well, you're allowed here... But really, the only people who find themselves truly welcomed here are those who aren't inconsiderate jerks. That's not looking great for you so far, dear. We're hear to drink coffee, not call each other names." She stuck out her tongue in his direction. "But, now, can't we turn this conversation into something more pleasant? Let's all forgive each other and play nice. Starting with an apology from Mr. Rider." She smiled again, this time a little more sincerely. "Oh, and by the way, my name is Cyn. Not... Whatever else you were calling me."
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RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!)   RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) EmptyMon Nov 21, 2011 10:57 pm

(well, i can't post links at the moment, so i guess you can find my charries on my dA profile.. yeah.)

Tomoe pushed open the café door, but stopped short once she noticed everyone all tense and stuff. She glanced around the room, slipped past the door, then pushed it shut. She squeezed by Tristan and proceeded to awkwardly make her way to the cashier at the counter. She stood back to assess her coffee choices.
I feel like I walked in at the wrong time.. I'm so awkward just standing here, I better make up my mind so I can leave. Tomoe thought to herself.
She turned back to the cashier with a small smile.
"Can I just get a macchiato?" She asked, placing a few buttons(yey c:) that she mysteriously took out of her pocket on the counter.

(eh.. orz)
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RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!)   RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) EmptyMon Nov 21, 2011 11:01 pm

Cullen eyes flashed quickly sensing the rise in anger, he attempted to hide the forming smirk by lifting his cup to his mouth, "Well if that's how you feel, I'm just fine with calling you..." He paused to look at Tristan. "Sour Puss." He took another swing of his coffee. The scorpion kigu crushed the now empty cup in his hands and stood up then smiled sweetly to Tristan before throwing the cup away. He glanced at Cyn and shrugged, "I can't help that fact he won't give me a name to call him by. I just have to improvise." He paused and looked over Tristan again, "Perhaps Pussy Cat is more fitting. He's feisty like a little kitty." Cullen gave Cyn a small bow towards her. "And its a pleasure to meet you Cyn." His grin returning again.
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RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!)   RP with Tristan? ;u; (anyone can join!) EmptyMon Nov 21, 2011 11:26 pm

Cyn glanced between Tristan's balled fists, Cullen's smirk, and the chime of the cafe's door's bell, and was suddenly overwhelmed. She shot up from her chair and said with a huff, in an escalating tone; "Enough! All that will come of this is a low-class brawl." She took a step to Cullen and leaned over him. "His name is Tristan, and he does not deserve your petty name-calling," she growled, "And Tristan, there's no need to give him any more attention, if you're offended by him! Both of you should shut up-" she glared at Cullen as she said this- "And focus on something else, if you're just going to feed off of each others anger!" She looked to the girl who had just walked in. "We need positivity here. You!" she shouted at the girl in her angry voice, although not on purpose, "What's your name, and how is your day going!?" She cleared her throat, blushing again, and said more quietly, "Please, give us anything to talk about to keep these two from arguing like 5-year-olds flirting."
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