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 Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS)

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Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS)   Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS) - Page 2 EmptyThu Nov 03, 2011 8:18 pm

Not yet. We've just decided a setting. Since i started the thread, I suppose I should start >A>
Though if anyone else decides they want to be first post, speak up~
I'm going to finish my 900 words for NaNo and then I'll start writing for this c:
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PostSubject: Re: Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS)   Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS) - Page 2 EmptyThu Nov 03, 2011 8:25 pm

((no worries. ^^ I've just gotta go to bed soon. ^^; ))
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Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS)   Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS) - Page 2 EmptyFri Nov 04, 2011 12:00 am

ooooh NaNo
I decided not to do that this year

I like this setting
Ty = tiger that can't swim [as they actually can] = hates water = going to be interesting
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Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS)   Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS) - Page 2 EmptyFri Nov 04, 2011 12:28 am

@Rani }} Hah~ I'd like to see how this turns out. Slender will probably feel insulted and try to teach Ty how to swim like the loser he is~
I'll post in the morning~ Also known as 2pm Central time when I wake up >A>
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Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: RP START HERE   Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS) - Page 2 EmptyFri Nov 04, 2011 1:52 pm

Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS) - Page 2 NAMEFLOB

➤➤➤ A cool breeze was just perfect to add a little spice to an otherwise perfect day at the beach. Addicus Slender stood calmly by the sea side. Since his dad left that spring to do what sailing fisherman did, he came out to the see to watch the waves, He never knew when his dad would be back. Sometimes it was a week, sometimes a month, sometimes years.
Often, Slender would think about what it was like to go on a 'sea-faring voyage', as his father put it, and since he had turned fourteen, his father had offered Slender the chance. There was just always something holding him back.

One year it was a friend moving to a different town, another was a Rumble tournament he ended up not placing at all. This time, he really didn't know. There was just a feeling that he needed to stay that forced him to remain on land. ' Better to practice my rumbling,' he reasoned. See he saw a group of kids in fifth grade in their Kigurumis, he had wanted to be like them and much more. He dreamt of being among the best aquatic rumblers and as of yet, he hadn't seen a better swimmer than himself.

Taking a deep breath, Slender tightened his trunks, backed up, and ran back to the sea,effortlessly diving into too-shallow water without so much of an injury. Practicing quick body movements usually helped with such a feat.

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Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS)   Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS) - Page 2 EmptyFri Nov 04, 2011 6:43 pm

Fin had just finished putting on her bathing suit; the usual aqua blue bikini, only her favorite color in the world. The tall, slender woman of red hair and equally shocking blue eyes stood in front of her vanity mirror. She scoffed, gaze shifting down her form and over the various bruises and bandages acquired from her most recent Rumble. Muscles were sore and bones ached, but that didn't stop the sea-farer from enjoying a nice day at the beach. White sheer sarong was gently wrapped around her waist and a large pair of white rimmed sunglasses were plopped on the bridge of her bruised nose. She grabbed a beach towel decorated in sharks, and out the door she went, exiting her small but homely abode that was located rather conveniently by the seaside.

With a slightly sour mood, she scowled at everyone from behind the those dark lenses; she really needed to relax, especially after such a humiliating loss (at least it was to her!). Mouth was firmly tugged downwards, though it eased when the sensation of warm sand sifting through her toes was felt. She stopped for a moment, an savored it. Aqua pools scanned the scenery, trying to locate a good spot to lay her towel down and chill. The woman began to walk, approaching the gentle waves that licked up the shoreline, trodding alongside it as ff they were best friends. There was this boy though, and she slowed down a notch to watch him dive into the shallow. Brows were quirked, stopping completely as she strung the towel over her shoulders, waiting for him to resurface. And when he did, "Ay, kid. You okay? Ain't that a bit dangerous?" Her head canted slightly, sharpened teeth glimmering through the part of her lips.
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Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS)   Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS) - Page 2 EmptyFri Nov 04, 2011 8:46 pm

((I am horrible with long winded RP so I will try my best as I need practice and haven't done paragraph RP in YEARS!))

Enjoying the warm sun on his back, Ty was sunbathing on a rock near the ocean. The lapping waves, loud and laughing sea-goers, and the distant sound of gulls seemed to relax him. Though he didn't know why, since Ty wasn't much of a water lover, he oddly seemed to enjoy his time at the beach. Huge, aviator shades covered his eyes while lime green and red trunks covered his waist. Though he came here often, he was mocked by his friends and family because of his inability to swim. I mean all tigers know how to swim, or it should be all. Ty was an exception.

Suddenly the soothing atmosphere around him was disturbed when he heard a nearby ruckus. Intrigued, Ty looked down from the rock he was laying on and noticed two kigus, a male and a female, making noise below. It seemed one had dove into shallow waters and the other came to see if he was okay. Curious as to whether the other was okay as well, Ty leaped from his rock and slowly inched closer. Being quiet and sneaky was in his blood, though it wasn't really meant to be on purpose. He crept up to them until he was fairly close and than out of nowhere from behind asked "Hey, you okay?". He had hoped he didn't startle anyone.
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Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS)   Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS) - Page 2 EmptySat Nov 05, 2011 12:23 pm

Xixx had come to the beach to fly his brand-new magenta kite. It was shaped like a butterfly and he gently carried it across the sand, happily noting the gentle but constant breeze that tousled his hair. Clad in a plain white t-shirt and blue swim trunks, barefoot as always, the boy trotted across the beach, glancing over at the trio that had gathered. Deciding that they looked nice enough, he decided to prance over to try to befriend them.

With a smile on his face, the blue-haired lad approached them, kite under one arm, "Hi! I'm Xixx!" he then noticed the concern that Ty and Fin showed towards the young boy in the water, "Is something wrong?"
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Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS)   Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS) - Page 2 EmptySun Nov 06, 2011 9:33 am

Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS) - Page 2 NAMEFLOB

➤➤➤ Upon surfacing the water, Slender jumped back about half a foot.

He swore up and down when he had went under there wasn't a group of people staring him down with a medley of worried and confused faces. Since when was he so popular? He was sure he didn't just win a tournament or something; though he had to admit, he was training for the next coming one off and on. He was actually scheduled to beat up some zombies that weekend.

"Um....Yeah. I'm fine, who are you people?" he inquired, scratching his jaw softly with a wet finger (polished in golden polish, mind you).

Taking the time to look at his gatherers, Slender immediately tied to figure out what kind of kigurumi they would be. He did have a little experience in the matter and it was a personal game he played with new people. The boy in the white t-shirt was small and cute. Probably some sort of bird or rodent. The girl screamed "rhino", that was until Slender noticed the shark towel and changed his opinion. As for the one with the blue and white hair, he was probably some kind of pack animal. Keeping his distance like that was often seen among packing and herding animals. And solitary carnivores now that he thought about it.

"Oh, and I'm Slender. Well, Addicus, but call me Slender."

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Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS)   Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS) - Page 2 EmptyMon Nov 07, 2011 9:41 pm

((I am totally going to make a moving icon like that!))

Ty could feel it when he was getting stared at, just his instinct kicking in was all. Still keeping his distance, he was glad to see that he was okay. Ty didn't like seeing others hurt, well except when he beat them to a pulp with his crowbar in rumbles, but that's a completely different matter. Clearing his throat Ty proceeded with introducing himself "I'm Ty." Like usual, he was accidentally glaring even though he never meant to. He tended to do that when nervous, shy or embarrassed.

Ty looked around at the others, he wasn't use to crowds or people. He was kind of a loner actually. Still nervous, he slowly distanced himself a little more. "Uhmmmm, I hope I'm not bugging you?" he said since Slender, as he was introduced, seemed to be a little shocked about the people around him.
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Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS)   Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS) - Page 2 EmptyTue Nov 08, 2011 10:14 am

Fin, too, was a little surprised to see the sudden gathering of people. It seems this kid has attracted quite the attention. But the one who surprised her the most was a small blue haired boy, to which his introduction she would reel about and yank a balled fist back. Almost aiming to knock his lights out, her fist dropped, and her expression softened, muttering a soft, "...oh." Jeeze. She eyed Xixx warily then turned to Ty, then looked to Slender with that piercing gaze, though it was hardly noticeable behind those sunglasses. "M'name's Fin." Actually, it was just an alias. Her real name would go untold, for now.

Her gaze then shifted to Ty, flashing him a toothy grin, showing off the points of her teeth. "You ain't botherin' no one, kid. Relax." She noticed his stand-offishness, his anxiety. She could sense it. "As for you." The redhead turned to Xixx nearby. "Careful 'bout who you sneak up on, you almost got a black eye!" With that, she chuckled, tossing her towel and sunglasses further up the bank. The woman stretched, aquacyan eyes adjusting to the brightness; she then backed up a little, and then bolted and dove into the shallow. She could do it too!
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Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS)   Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS) - Page 2 EmptyTue Nov 08, 2011 2:53 pm

Xixx registered her words but was far more distracted by Ty's two-colored locks, reaching up to fluff the man's hair curiously, "Two colors!" he had a look of utter awe on his face, cheeks rosy, "I wish mine was two colors," water droplets assaulted him softly as Fin dove into the shallows and he giggled, turning his face towards the two fish. The woman in the water currently had seemed about to beat the living life out of him, but she still must be a nice person! After all, she smiled a LOT! And the little boy, the other fish-like character, he was AWESOME. Xixx adored his nail color and the confident way he held himself was a dead giveaway that the kid was a fighter. Again, Xixx's attention was drawn back to the tiger man.

He beamed at the man; Ty was definitely nice, but seemed a bit timid. Maybe he liked the color pink too! Xixx held up his kite to both boys, and to Fin when she surfaced, "So~do any of you know how to fly a kite? It's my first time..."
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Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS)   Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS) - Page 2 EmptyTue Nov 08, 2011 3:12 pm

((GAH! All your characters are so awesome guys ;u; *gives everyone cake and pie*))

Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS) - Page 2 NAMEFLOB

➤➤➤ "Ty, is it? I was thinking more of a 'Tony'," teased the tuna playfully, meaning no harm by the childish pun. In fact, now that he had mentioned it, he was craving a bowl of Frosted Flakes.

"Nah, no bother. I could always do with some company. Sometimes it's pretty boring at the beach alone. They are places friends are supposed to go to together, so no worries," insisted Slender, tilting his head to the side and squeezed out some of the water from his hair only to have it dampened one again when Fin dove into the water with him. He tried to block what was left of the splash, but with no avail. It was a good thing he loved water or something like that would have pissed him off, instead, he found it almost funny.

"Hey! Watch it SharkBite, " he grumped playfully before using his hands to splash at the girl of the group.

Turning, Slender's attention went to Xixx and his kite. " I used to, but that was before I became a fighter. Now I just swim and beat up zombies," he grinned, flashing teeth charismatically at the smaller male. "It's not that hard though, all I ever did was go where it was windy and hold on to the string and run. Usually the wind would pick up and the kite would take off. The ones with the shimmery tails are my favourite. So," he finished only to add a little more," who all here are fighters? Or are any of you not interested in Kigurumis at all? I'm a Tuna!"

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Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS)   Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS) - Page 2 EmptyTue Nov 08, 2011 3:18 pm

Xixx beamed enthusiastically at the young man, blue eyes bright, "A tuna! That suits you~" he tilted his head curiously, processing the advice on his kite, nodding sagely to himself before replying to the last asked question, "I fight for fun, not much else, I always lose anyways but it's so fun to dance!" he laughed softly, "I'm a chinchilla, so you know~" he plopped down in the sand after handing his kite to Ty and began to pile the grains together in a lump, "We should make a tuna castle!"

((Gahhhh I love Slenderrrrr <3 I totally want Frosted Flakes now, curse it all! XDXDXD <3 Xixx is such a kid, I apologize for him. XD ))
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PostSubject: Re: Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS)   Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS) - Page 2 EmptyThu Nov 10, 2011 10:28 pm

Fin surfaced with a squirt of salty water, blinking and shielding herself as Slender began to assault her! "Hey!" She growled playfully, then sunk herself into the water, leaving her eyes just above the water's surface. Their piercing colors stared intently, but harmlessly, at Xixx and Ty, popping up to throw in her two cents. "You don't know how ta fly a dang kite? That's crazy, kid." She chimed, hand gesturing dramatically. She agreed with Slender before answering his question.

"I'm a fighter, for sure; what kinda girl would have these muscles-" the redhead flexed, "... and not use them?!" She grinned, showing off her peculiar, sharp teeth. "I'm a shark, Great White ta be exact. And either of you would make suiting snacks." She cackled to herself, eyeing Xixx especially, quirking a brow at his actions. What an odd boy. She shrugged and then pointed to Ty, nodding at him. "What about you, kid?" He was relatively quiet, and she was just trying to make him... fit in?
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Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS)   Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS) - Page 2 EmptyThu Nov 10, 2011 10:59 pm

Not sure on how to take the stares from Xixx, Ty turned his head away and blushed. He wasn't really use to bigger groups of people and felt slightly awkward. "Ahhh a tuna" he said as he looked at Slender "that's cool." He continued "I'm a tiger though I guess I don't look like much of one." He chuckled a nervous laugh and shifted his eyesight away. He just couldn't look people in the eye for long.

He then looked back. "I am indeed a fighter, if you call hitting people in the face with a crowbar fighting that is." a smirk on his face. Ty seemed to come off as rude sometimes even when he never meant it. "What do you guys...and girl, use in your fights?" he was curious about what the others used as weapons and such.
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Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS)   Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS) - Page 2 EmptyFri Nov 11, 2011 9:15 am

"I don't really like to fight," Xixx chirped, continuing to pack sand onto his 'tuna castle', "But I use streamer-blades. They clip onto metal bands on my wrists and they're like...ribbons. Then I dance with 'em! And then they turn into swords and I can peel fruit!" he stared up at them brightly.
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PostSubject: Re: Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS)   Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS) - Page 2 EmptyFri Nov 11, 2011 10:26 pm

((Sorry for the slow reply! Working on a secret project :3))

Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS) - Page 2 NAMEFLOB

➤➤➤ Slender let out an almost boisterous laugh-- very much like his father's-- "I enjoy that Dance Dance game, but that's not real dancing, but it works well for building muscle in your legs and to do cardio~" He called out from the water with a grin the net out a small snort, "A 'tuna castle'? Us tuna are very picky! It has to be HUGE and spacious for all our Tuna Parties! Though I suppose a Chinchilla can be invited~" he teased, licking his teeth free of the salt water that had gotten there.

Turning to Fin, the tuna fighter nodded, "I guessed as much. Typically, no offense, Sharks are fighters at heart~ My dad has a scar on his leg from an encounter ith a feral shark! Though that could just be a sea tale of his. You never know. And for a girl, you are pretty well built. Maybe we could duke it out sometime~ I hope you're pretty quick to keep up," he sneered impishly, tossing his head up indignantly like the brat he was.

"A crowbar, huh? That could leave a nasty mark if it hit ya. I use stylized jurs, but really they are just blades. I usually use them on my arms, but I can use them on my tail and legs too if I wanted. I try and change up my style a little or just bring more than two blades if I'm up against someone particularly strong," slender explained before shrugging the tiger thing off, "nah, you look the part, though you also seem like a skittish house cat," he added, giving a huge grin, wondering how Ty would take that remark. Turning back to Xixx, Slender laughed again," well you'll certainly be invited to any parties I have! You'd be interesting to watch and you can make food!"

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PostSubject: Re: Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS)   Slender is Looking for a Friend! (NO OPEN SLOTS) - Page 2 EmptyWed Nov 30, 2011 3:12 pm

{{ DROPPING OUT OF KiguRUMBLE, So, I guess that's the end of this. It was fun RPing while it lasted ;u;}}
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