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 Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:)

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Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) Empty
PostSubject: Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:)   Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) EmptyWed Nov 02, 2011 6:55 pm

Please don't use chatspeak or emoticons
Para is preferred over script
Write whatever length you feel like~
That's it. ;u;)/

The train rumbled away, sending vibrations through the station. Dara had already cleared the platform in several long strides: while he wasn't wearing his kigurumi, he was wearing a pair of boots equipped with the typical 3-inch wedge, and he had a habit of moving quickly. The day's itinerary involved visiting a few department stories, as well as the few thrift stores in the area; since the weather had been cooling down, Dara had been hoping for some sweaters and, maybe, a cookbook. Most of his clothing was a little too sparse for comfortable going in the winter, much less the fall. The tall, slender boy clasped his coat a little tighter at the neck at this troublesome thought and frowned caustically as a chill worked its way down his spine. Maybe the gym would have been a better bet: at least it would have been warm. He hooked a left turn at the end of the road and made his way down the much narrower street--during the summer it would have been lined with pavilions that further crowded the small space, but they were gone for the fall. He brushed past a few of the other boutiques, sparing curious glances for the autumnal window displays, before shouldering into the old clothing store at the end to the familiar sound of a tinkling bell.
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Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:)   Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) EmptyWed Nov 02, 2011 7:17 pm

Xixx didn't consider himself especially fashionable, in fact he was rather the opposite. He wore clothes based on comfort and durability, and it showed in his kigurumi; which was plain save for a large zipper. However, he was not clad in the comfy animal-like suit today, instead he wore a sleeveless vest with a hood, and fuzzy arm warmers that he often rubbed against his cheeks just to feel how soft they were. His skinny jeans had a tear in the left knee and his pink sneakers had faded with age.

He was in the old clothing store in search of practical items to add to his wardrobe. Seeing as winter was drawing closer, a jacket or two might be nice...He glanced up when the door to the shop opened and his blue eyes widened, an enthusiastic (and perhaps terrifying) sparkle entering them.

He was pink.

A pink man had just walked through the door.

Of course, this prompted Xixx to frolic madly over to him and glomp him, rubbing his cheek against the man's clavicle and overall acting like a spastic toddler...
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Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:)   Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) EmptyThu Nov 03, 2011 2:58 pm

It felt like he had no sooner heard the door swing shut behind him than a small blue-haired ball came prancing out from between the forest of racks. Dara was a little too bemused to realize he should probably get out of the way, so he didn't move; the impact rattled in his sternum, but he had tensed up upon realizing an impending collision. Instead of being breathless, he was quite collected: Dara tilted his head in mild curiosity and pulled a face as he realized the child was rubbing his face against his disheveled coat. "Are . . . you . . . the help?" It didn't feel likely, but what other options were there? Dara was perfectly neutral in stance, he did nothing but lean backwards slightly to even out their weight distribution. With no effort he was able to look over the top of the boy's head, scouting for possible dressing-room choices before he had even broken free. "Helloooo? Helloooooo~?" Dara started to push at the boy curiously, poking at the side of his head and then his shoulder. His temper was rather slow, and he didn't really mind the warmth after being outside in the chilly autumn wind.
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Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:)   Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) EmptyThu Nov 03, 2011 3:15 pm

Xixx was beaming.

The pink thing was touching him. And TALKING to him!

It was a dream come true~

He stared up at the pink man with wide blue eyes that danced happily, "Hi!" he replied to the emphasized 'hellos' of the figure, "I'm not the help, but there's a very nice lady over there and she can help you if you want~" he added, finally acknowledging the first question and backing up just a tad after remembering that there was, for most people, something known as 'personal space'.
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Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:)   Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) EmptyFri Nov 04, 2011 4:01 pm

((my goodness I'm so sorry for these slow replies! *A* //rolls sleeves up skgn ))

Dara looked down into the sunny expression, and tweaked his pursed lips to the side in thoughtful confusion. It would be difficult to be affronted with that cheerful face; he didn't feel like giving it a try. If anything Dara was still quite nonchalant, thoroughly unruffled--at least mentally. He had to straighten up his coat and the thin high-necked blouse beneath it. Goosebumps prickled along his skin, making the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end in complaint. Carelessly he ran a spidery hand through his hair, twirling a piece around the tip of his finger as was his habit, and eyed the boy.

"You look like you're looking for warm clothing." Despite his height, Dara's voice was soft, gentle even, but it hid a little laugh. "You should come look with me." It wasn't so much a question as a decided reality. The heels on his boots clacked quietly on the floor as he maneuvered himself behind the chinchilla and tried to steer him in the proper direction. "Shoulda known they didn't hire someone cute for the floor; they haven't in all the years I've been coming here."
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Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:)   Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) EmptyFri Nov 04, 2011 4:33 pm

((it's fine~<3 I won't be able to be on til late tomorrow because of a limo and party anyways, so I should be the one apologizing. ^^; ))

The blue-eyed boy let himself be steered, trusting the pink man with all his heart already. Until he tripped over a spare hanger and stumbled into a rack of coats, ending up with several flopped on his head. Looking up at Dara pitifully from the mismatched pile of cloth he apologized for his clumsiness and tried to get out of the mess....only managing to entangle himself further...
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Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:)   Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) EmptySat Nov 05, 2011 4:47 pm

((ffff that's hardly a reason to apologize! Have loads of fun~! c: Unless you're already back ROFL ;v; I've been trying to catch up on homework and group art this week, the slowness should be temporary ahhh ))

"Oh!" Dara felt the boy's shoulders drop out from beneath his hands, but he didn't express much surprise. Neither did he try to catch his companion; Dara let him trip-fall into the nearest rack of winter coats. In fact, after he felt him start to fall, the fighter gave him a surreptitious little shove. No harm could come of that, right? "I suppose that's one way to try them on." Dara giggled and shook his head bemusedly before approaching with the intent of extricating the thoroughly-trapped boy.

A different idea occurred to him. His smile stretched into a close-lipped grin as he selected a bluish jacket from the rack and draped it over what little of the stranger remained exposed. "You'd best get out of there yourself. Take your time, this is where we were headed anyways." His statement stopped and started as he shouldered out of his own coat and draped it over an arm in order to browse the assorted garments.
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Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:)   Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) EmptySat Nov 05, 2011 5:03 pm

((I'm back. XD I've been working on commissions and jazz on my other DA account. lol. and now I'm babysitting my sister. She says Hi. ^^ Was telling her all about you and Dara and how nice y'all are <3 ))

Xixx blinked up at him pitifully but then doggedly set about extracting himself from the coats. He slipped on the light blue one that had been the 'straw to break the camel's back' and pranced over to Dara, smiling, "What do you think?"
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Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:)   Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) EmptySat Nov 05, 2011 5:19 pm

(( Aww, that's so sweet! I hope you had lots of fun, by the by! c: ))

He glanced over every few seconds, checking the boy's progress with a mixture of amusement and benevolence. Dara was also shouldering into a knee-length trench coat, straw brown in color and outfitted asymmetrically with storm patch and breast pocket. It was the right length, but baggy on his slender frame. After he'd slipped back out of it, mildly disappointed, he switched his attentions over to the jail breaker. Instantly his expression perked up, though the expression had the potential to be alarming--his eyes had, after all, brightened in the way a cat's does once it notices a mouse. "My! That looks very nice, it suits your color impeccably." His cheerful smile showed just the tip of a sharp fang. "I hope it's just as comfortable as it looks." For the first time, he took the liberty of thoroughly looking him up and down. "Mmhmm, suits you perfectly. Blue is your color, huh?" Dara glanced back at the rack, this time pulling out the modern interpretation of a black wool frock coat.

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Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:)   Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) EmptySat Nov 05, 2011 5:24 pm

((My sister loves Dara btw. XD She thinks he's cute))

The Chinchilla beamed, "I've heard it looks good on me, I just wear what's comfortable~" he shrugged and flipped the hood over his head, pretending to be a zombie as he paraded over to look at a pink fluffy parka. He stroked the fur ruff on it and nuzzled the soft pink cloth, "I like this one~" he cooed, glancing over at the older man. His eyes sparkled, "Are you a model? You look so so so soooo coooooool~and pink."
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Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:)   Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) EmptySat Nov 05, 2011 7:32 pm

(( ROFL XD I'm flattered! ))

"It does." Dara laughed to himself again when the boy's fluffy head of hair disappeared underneath the hood. He turned to follow Xixx's progress progress as he acted a flamboyant zombie on his way over to the racks. The boy seemed, at least to Dara, to be as attracted to the parka as a moth to light. The color was so bright, that his pale blue pupils actually constricted slightly as if in reaction to a bright light. "It reminds me of a flamingo." Dara said honestly, his tone expressing some awe at the sheer vibrancy of the color. In reply to the question, Dara was initially flabbergasted. He pointed a battle-calloused finger at himself and tilted his head. ". . .? Mm-mm." The tall young man shook his head in the negative. His even temper dissolved into a surprised, amused snort of throaty laughter. "Opposites attract." He was thinking of the tackle that had introduced him to the boy and the irony of their coloration.

When he turned back to the rack, he caught a glimpse of something tucked haphazardly between the coats. It had probably been shoved there by someone to return it to the proper spot--curiosity riled, Dara reached in and tugged out a long, bobble-tipped scarf in bubblegum pink. Not sparing a moment, he turned and promptly tied it around the boy's head in the babushka fashion.

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Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:)   Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) EmptySat Nov 05, 2011 7:51 pm

((Now I gotta go put her to bed. XD She wants a story about Dara and Xixx being fabulous. She's so cute. X3 ))

Xixx was surprised at the fact that the man was not, in fact, a model. After all, he was so elegant, regal even, with a body that was tall and slender and airy. With that perfect hair and those supernaturally gorgeous eyes he'd surely awe anyone he spoke too...the same way he awed the young Chinchilla. The boy's thoughts were halted abruptly when he found a scarf wrapped around his messy blue hair. His eyes slowly traveled up to see a brim of pink at the top of his vision. Squeaking in surprise and joy he scampered over to a mirror and plopped down in front of it like a child, beaming.

"You're so good at this!" he chirped to Dara, entranced by the pink scarf on his head and the pink man visible at the edge of the mirror.
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Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:)   Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) EmptySat Nov 05, 2011 8:20 pm

(( PFFFT That is just. That is so ridiculously adorable I don't even dskgndskk ;A; ))

The boy's squeak almost produced a similar sound from Dara, who was first surprised and then immediately assailed with the complete, fraternal instinct-inspiring cuteness of the sound. He lingered behind a moment, wide-eyed, before shaking it off and weaving his way after the chinchilla. The displays in the store, from coat hangers to generously-heaped shelves to racks, were thankfully all rather stumpy and low. He could see over them easily, and found the mirror his new companion had rushed to without much difficulty. Actually, he was tall enough that navigating shops and buildings was quite easy, but Dara had a short memory for such things and was always pleasantly surprised at how nice an experience shopping tended to be. He didn't realize that he'd caught several scarves unintentionally on his arms and shoulders: all were the light-weight, gauzy specimens that was better suited to spring. They trailed after the clueless unicorn like half a cape.

"Trying on clothes is the best part of shopping--especially in places like this." Dara ambled up behind the boy and looked at their reflection in the mirror amiably. The minor rainbow of sheer cloth hanging off his arm finally caught his attention; he lifted the arm and stared in surprise at the set of scarves. "Ehh--I'm not Pegasus!" He turned away, puzzled, and tried to pull the clingers off. They kept sticking to the comfortably rough weave of his shirt, however, and by the time he'd given up they were scattered around his person. Dara huffed in dismay, plucking at one stuck to his sleeve. He muttered something inaudible that could have been any number of mildly frustrated words, and pulled the shirt off over his head to more easily remove the stubborn scarves.
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Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:)   Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) EmptySat Nov 05, 2011 8:35 pm

Xixx found this awfully amusing and giggled at the sight, standing to gently help the man remove his 'cling-ons'. "Guess they think you're attractive-is why they were attracted to you~" Xixx rambled, half to himself, "Do girls hate you because you're prettier than they are? Ooh, you're a rumbler, aren't you?" he held the man's hand curiously, examining the callouses, "I see now! So you're pretty and tough. Pretty tough!," he laughed again, a soft tinkling sound of pure joy at finding a new friend. With the scarf still on his head, he pulled the last offensive streamer-like fabric from the man's shirt, hanging the bundle of scarves and belts back on a rack, "There you go!"
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Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:)   Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) EmptySun Nov 06, 2011 3:19 pm

He draped the shirt across one arm to make the cleaning process easier. When his new friend rose to help, Dara obliged him by holding still. It was much, much easier to remove the pesky scarves when he didn't have to worry about them just sticking to a different part of himself. "Oh, pardon?" One of Dara's strengths was acute hearing, and he heard everything the boy muttered to himself with great clarity. The shadhavar almost--almost--blushed pink from the words, but he managed to distract himself by answering the less-flustering question while rubbing his hand absently. "It's good exercise, isn't it?" On being called pretty again, Dara blinked rapidly and took a moment to collect himself while the boy replaced the offending bits of cloth on a nearby rack. From behind he almost looked like a girl, pink headscarf or not--the comparison made him grin. Normally compliments would have had minimal to no effect on Dara, but hearing them from someone so adorable was almost flustering.

Dara slid the shirt back on over his head as he followed Xixx. His physique was extremely slender, but not so thin as to sacrifice at least minimal muscle tone. Goosebumps prickled along his skin from the exposure and Dara wasted no time in securing the buttons until the high collar was fully closed. "Thank you for the help." He leaned around the chinchilla and smiled at him, a long hand coming around the other side to ruffle what hair poked out from beneath the pink scarf. Dara gave the scarves a wide berth as he started to poke around the sweaters in the area, only half paying attention. "Are you also a rumbler?" He turned and gave the boy a head-to-toe, but wasn't able to tell for certain from appearance alone.
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Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:)   Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) EmptySun Nov 06, 2011 7:46 pm

((gah why is Dara so adorable!? x3x ))

Xixx smiled, fluffing a woolen sweater just to pop himself with the static electricity generated, looking a bit surprised at the small shock. He shook himself, the scarf floating down from his head to land on the floor. Bending over, he picked it up gently and folded it over his arm in a mimic of Dara's earlier movement, "Actually I am!" he chirped, "I just do it for fun though~And I lose most of the time!" he found this funny, giggling to himself as he pranced through the racks.
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Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:)   Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) EmptyTue Nov 08, 2011 5:10 pm

(( FFF only because Xixx is ridiculously adorable amg ;u; ))

Dara tilted his head curiously; he'd been fussing with the sleeves of his shirt and looked up just in time to see the top of his friend's head--all that was visible from his place on the opposite side of the rack--jolt as if from surprise. The shadhavar looked from left, to right with some degree of interest. Finding nothing particularly shocking, he shrugged it off and drifted towards a Fair Isle-type turtleneck. "You are!" Dara searched for the telltale steely blue hair amidst the clothing, but was unable to find it amongst the forest of riotous color. While he'd tried to keep an open mind, he'd decided that the boy probably wasn't a fighter. "I haven't see you in the games at all. Are you going to join them?" Dara leaned this way and that, trying to regain a view of his friend, but was unable to. He brought the turtleneck with him after making the snap choice of buying it despite not checking how it fit, and began looking for him in the cluttered shop. It occurred to Dara then that, even if the boy made an appearance in the popular games (most of which Dara attended) he wouldn't know which name to check the roster for. He figured that was the next question in order, once he managed to find him.
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Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:)   Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) EmptyTue Nov 08, 2011 5:34 pm

(ffff you are too kind >w< )

Xixx was admiring a pink butterfly charm hanging in the front of the shop, entranced by it as it swayed back and forth next to the air vent.

(T^T sorry for short reply but i have to run and get dinner XD )
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Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:)   Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) EmptyWed Nov 09, 2011 12:29 pm

(( adbkgs that is such an adorable image! Oh Xixx QUQ <33 ))

It took him a few minutes, but Dara eventually found the chinchilla. He stopped himself from walking out and tapping his shoulder; instead he ducked behind an almost-wall of coats and watched. An idea struck him, then. Dara trotted back to a shelf stacked with knick knacks he'd stacked and picked up a small hand mirror sitting amidst the dymkovo, dusty clocks, and commemorative statuettes. He hopped-ran back to Xixx, trying to be as quiet as possible, and tilted the mirror until it managed to catch a ray of cold autumn sunlight. It hit the butterfly squarely, making it shimmer.
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Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:)   Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) EmptyWed Nov 09, 2011 3:11 pm

Xixx's blue eyes shone brilliantly as he gasped in surprise and admiration, his head following the charm in its back and forth motions as though mesmerized by the small butterfly.
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Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:)   Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) EmptySat Nov 12, 2011 12:49 am

He managed to suppress a sudden laugh, but the noise that died in his throat was replaced with an embarrassing, but quiet, nasal squeak. Dara haltingly touched his face, covering his lips in surprised amusement. It didn't help that he could see a reflection of Xixx's expression, which was inspiring laughter and an unexpected urge to just wrap the chinchilla in a bear hug and not let go. Since he wasn't willing to do either just yet, he kept the reflected shard of light on the butterfly charm in favor of seeing what might happen next.

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Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:)   Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) EmptyTue Nov 15, 2011 3:23 pm

Xixx, entranced by the colorful light and motion of the charm, batted at it much like a young kitten, his blue eyes wide as saucers. The store clerk spared him but a glance and rolled her eyes, heading off to put the scarves he and Dara had dropped back on their proper rack.
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Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:)   Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) EmptyMon Nov 28, 2011 6:29 pm


When Xixx batted at the butterfly, Dara nearly lost his composure. He was much too fascinated by the display to pay the store clerk any mind; she was a barely-noticed, and certainly unacknowledged presence in his peripherals. He wished there was some way to move the charm, make it bounce or swing. He kept the light trained on it with one hand while he looked around for some sort of small handheld fan or keyboard cleaner around the myriad, miscellaneous boxes stacked at the foot of each circular clothing rack. He became so involved in this search, in fact, that the light slipped off the butterfly and he didn't notice.
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Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:)   Clothes Shopping (open for anyone~especially Xixx c:) EmptyWed Dec 14, 2011 3:42 pm


Xixx noticed, however, and his attention to the butterfly slipped. He glanced over his shoulder at Dara, head tilted, "Where did you come from?" he bounced over and tripped, landing against the man's chest once more, "Ack!"
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