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 ►▻► Ŧħε ℕıģħʈ'ʂ ℂɾυςɑɖɛ ♔ First Meeting

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Age : 32
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►▻► Ŧħε ℕıģħʈ'ʂ ℂɾυςɑɖɛ ♔   First Meeting  Empty
PostSubject: ►▻► Ŧħε ℕıģħʈ'ʂ ℂɾυςɑɖɛ ♔ First Meeting    ►▻► Ŧħε ℕıģħʈ'ʂ ℂɾυςɑɖɛ ♔   First Meeting  EmptyFri Dec 23, 2011 2:33 pm

♔▶▷▶ oeland stretched his arms, their slightly toned and dark lengths behind his head as he let out a stifled groan only to drop his arms in his lap.
One the other side of the room, Noeland's childhood friend, Ethan was pouring Noeland a drink. He knew how much today meant to his friend, after all ,they were pretty similar in that aspect. he too had been waiting excitedly, though not quite as excitedly as Noeland had been, for today to finally arrive. Now that it had, the two were upset that things havent exactly went as planned.

It was already a bit past noon and still, no one had shown up for the first meeting of The Night's Crusade guild, though business at the club of the same name was doing well, as usual. There were a few people on the dance floor, but mostly teenagers in the back room playing the arcade games. Saturdays were usually pretty busy this time of day, but it was a little colder than the weather forecast had predicted.

Noeland gave a sign and took the drink gladly, sipping his cherry coke through the straw, one hand twisting a finger through lax hair.

"Ethan... Do you think I came on too strong on those posters and the ad in the newspaper? A-and the post on Craig's List?" the male asked, crossing his legs before letting out a disappointed huff, "maybe I was too enthusiastic and I scared everyone away..."

Ethan nodded, "that sure is a possibility. You do come off a bit eccentric sometimes. I've told you before, you need to calm down and thing everything through, especially on things like this. It's good to devote ourself to something, especially something positive like this, but you cant be too overwhelming, people think you're crazy that way. Just if anyone does come in today, be sure to think rationally and not flip the hell out in excitement, okay? Dont want to scare anyone off, especially my customers,:" he finished with a small chuckle as he went in to the back room to clean up some dishes.

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Age : 31
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PostSubject: Re: ►▻► Ŧħε ℕıģħʈ'ʂ ℂɾυςɑɖɛ ♔ First Meeting    ►▻► Ŧħε ℕıģħʈ'ʂ ℂɾυςɑɖɛ ♔   First Meeting  EmptySat Dec 24, 2011 5:56 pm

Kama paced back and forth outside the doors of the club. He paused and stared up at the large sign displaying the club's name, he quickly cast his eyes downward as someone passed him to enter the club. The male quickly mentally kicked himself for being so nervous and intimated by all the people and the large building in front of him. Tightly gripping the straps to his turtle shell bag and with one last big sigh, he pushed open the doors and slipped inside. Kama was struck with awe when his eyes got used to the lighting. Not once has he ever set foot in a place like a club, everything was a new experience to him. Loud music caught his attention to the dance floor, he frowned a bit, seeing bodies brush against each other. Shaking his head he cleared the dancing out of his mind, and set the goal to find the leader of the guild he was interested in joining.
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Age : 32
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PostSubject: Re: ►▻► Ŧħε ℕıģħʈ'ʂ ℂɾυςɑɖɛ ♔ First Meeting    ►▻► Ŧħε ℕıģħʈ'ʂ ℂɾυςɑɖɛ ♔   First Meeting  EmptyMon Dec 26, 2011 6:36 pm

♔▶▷▶ ѧ t the sound of the door opening, Noeland turned to greet the first customer, a smile on his face, "Welcome to The Night's Crusade! Could I see your ID?" he questioned, pushing a long strand of hair from his face , retrieving the ID and double checked the ID, making sure it was authentic. Afterward, the dark-skinned male handed the plastic slip back to the man before sitting back down, crossing his leg over his knee.

Not long after, he turned back to the door to give a impish grin to the young male gaping in the doorway.

"Can I help you?"


[[Sorry so short ;A:]]
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Age : 31
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PostSubject: Re: ►▻► Ŧħε ℕıģħʈ'ʂ ℂɾυςɑɖɛ ♔ First Meeting    ►▻► Ŧħε ℕıģħʈ'ʂ ℂɾυςɑɖɛ ♔   First Meeting  EmptyThu Dec 29, 2011 6:21 pm

"Oh! I.. um.." His words stumbled a bit as Kama turned to the man that addressed him. "Er, I was l--lookin for um..." Kama quickly fished around in his pockets and retrieved a folded piece of paper, he unfolded the poster advertising the guild. The turtle duck hybrid glanced over the paper looking for the name of the leader, " I believe his name is.. Noeland?" He looked up at the man, worried that he might get offended if he pronounced his boss's name wrong. Kama extended the poster towards his dark skinned helper, hoping that maybe the poster would give him more of an idea of what Kama needed.
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Posts : 64
Join date : 2011-10-30
Age : 32
Location : Central Missouri

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PostSubject: Re: ►▻► Ŧħε ℕıģħʈ'ʂ ℂɾυςɑɖɛ ♔ First Meeting    ►▻► Ŧħε ℕıģħʈ'ʂ ℂɾυςɑɖɛ ♔   First Meeting  EmptyMon Jan 02, 2012 6:38 pm

♔▶▷▶ ѧ laugh left the male's lips. Not a mocking laughter, but an excited and greatly pleased sound.
Nodding at the other, he offered the Kappa his hand and introduced himself, "You're speaking to him. That the flier I posted? So you're here for the little guild Ethan and I made?"

Smiling even wider, he pushed himself from the chair and made a swiping motion to introduce Kama to the club, "This is The Night's Crusade. It's a club that Ethan made after a childhood game we played. We spend most our time here and Ethan, he owns the place, but I control all the D&D night and the guild," he explained, talking pretty quick due to the excitement he had for the whole guild possibly getting a member thing.


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