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 Under The Mistletoe

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Posts : 88
Join date : 2011-11-02
Age : 29

Under The Mistletoe Empty
PostSubject: Under The Mistletoe   Under The Mistletoe EmptyThu Dec 01, 2011 6:55 pm

(never made something like this before, um, i hope i'm doing it right? well, i'd like to start this topic-thread of mistletoe and the traditional kiss that goes along with it. um, general rules of no god-modding and no graphic content? ^^ you can write in script or paragraph. just thought a little holiday tradition would be fun, especially since i just hung up our family's mistletoe tonight. ^^ so yes....i-i hope people enjoy?)

That delicate sprig of greenery that brightened most every doorframe to buildings all across the city.
That innocent plant that when hung with a ribbon took on an entirely new position in life.
The position to make or break a romance.
The position to set in motion love, or to cause a good laugh.
No one realized how much power such a simple sprig of mistletoe could have, until they themselves were caught under it...
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Posts : 22
Join date : 2011-11-01
Age : 30
Location : the peagreen boatttt~

Under The Mistletoe Empty
PostSubject: Re: Under The Mistletoe   Under The Mistletoe EmptyThu Dec 01, 2011 9:44 pm

((Hope this is alright! ;v; ))

"Chilly chilly chilly chilly--eeeyahhhh!" A sharp little trill worked its way out of Xing Xing when a potent gust of December wind blasted his hood off, exposing his face, neck, and throat to the biting chill. While he'd been conscientious enough to throw a bulky cable knit sweater over his pajamas and exchange stockings for thermal leggings, the boy had been far too blithe about the winter weather. Now he felt paper thin in the face of the wind, and was wondering if he should commission an addition to his romper-length kigurumi. He squirmed his hands a little deeper into the folds of his sweater where some menial warmth still lurked, breath fogging and eyes squinting in the search for a doorway to duck into. The cold proved too intense for his pampered body, however, and Xing squeezed his eyes shut when they started to sting. Instead of looking for shelter, he reached out a hand and felt around for a promising structure. An archway came to be beneath his fingers and, without forethought, he immediately hopped out of the wind. It was an action well-suited to his kigurumi totem: the moon rabbit.

Pale green hair had been thrown into his face and worked into tangles, his light cheeks tarnished red by the cold. Xing Xing shivered while he huddled against the door and wished he hadn't underestimated winter. These disappointed thoughts were temporarily allayed, however, when he lifted his head and felt something light bump against his tousled hair. He glanced over his shoulder, and stared blearily at a hanging swatch of mistletoe, still swinging gently. Whoever had put it there had been conscientious: it was even tied with a seasonally bright, red bow. He was temporarily fascinated by the plant, so much so that his hand fell onto the doorbell, and the distant echo of the chime escaped his attention.
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Posts : 88
Join date : 2011-11-02
Age : 29

Under The Mistletoe Empty
PostSubject: Re: Under The Mistletoe   Under The Mistletoe EmptyWed Dec 14, 2011 3:47 pm

Appe had been relaxing in his quaint home, knitting a scarf for the upcoming winter. One could never have too many scarves, he reasoned, enjoying the warmth of the fire in the fireplace and the hot cocoa he'd prepared before sitting down and setting about his hobby. Surprisingly, his doorbell rang. Startled, the okapi kigu rose to his feet, setting the scarf-in-progress down on the arm of his chair and padding in stocking feet towards the door, one hand clutching the front of his shirt in a nervous habit. He opened the door and caught sight too late of the mistletoe above his doorframe that his friend Xixx had so obviously left. Rather, he found himself looking out at a freezing man, "S-s-sir?" he tried to withdraw, but that would be impolite, but the mistletoe there, but this was a stranger, but the TRADITION. He just stood frozen in his doorway, eyes wide.
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Posts : 22
Join date : 2011-11-01
Age : 30
Location : the peagreen boatttt~

Under The Mistletoe Empty
PostSubject: Re: Under The Mistletoe   Under The Mistletoe EmptyThu Dec 15, 2011 2:31 am

It was so . . . green. Xing's eyes were all but fixated on the sprig, his mouth slightly agape in awe. Was Christmas coming . . .? Was the holiday season already so close? He had noticed lights and banners going up around the city from the view his lighthouse generously offered, but was it really so close? Perhaps it was true that he had a tendency to become lost in thought, to wander off to places unknown or, at least, unfrequented because Xing was only just realizing with a tiny pang of disappointed heartbreak that his home was completely undecorated. The sudden flash of dismay showed in his ruddied features, and it was the expression that he turned towards the boy who appeared in the freshly-opened doorway. Xing Xing's eyes lingered on the boy's face, his morose demeanor lifting into neutrality, then the crackle of the fire beyond caught his attention. He looked over the boy's shoulder, a hint of longing pricking bright in his eyes, then focused back on the home's occupant. Compared to his bedraggled appearance, this boy looked positively cozy--and so very, very warm. Xing felt a sudden urge to huddle, maybe even hug, but resisted. Instead, he buried both hands even deeper into the front of his heavy sweater.

". . . . . . . ." His mouth opened and closed, but there wasn't anything particular he thought worth saying. A small, pink tongue flicked out and wetted lips chapped by the cold. ". . . I think your mistletoe is cold." When he finally spoke, it was in the friendly, but too-quiet mumble of someone who doesn't speak aloud too frequently. "And sorta--it's sorta--" Xing moved his head from side to side to make a point: the combination of wind, ice, and mercilessly frazzled hair had actually caused the mistletoe to become entangled in his head of pale green waves. A little wince worked its way across his delicate features as the plant's firm connection to the porch roof caused tension on his scalp. "Ow! Um, stuck. I think--ow! Ow!" He was struggling to turn around, first one way and then the other, to disentangle himself. Instead, the snarl was quickly becoming worse. Quite literally, he was a rabbit caught in a trap--luckily, the nonlethality of the situation made it almost funny. He wasn't laughing, however, as what had started out as a little tangle had become a painful knot. It occurred to him what mistletoe was meant to be, and Xing Xing realized how thoroughly unkissable he looked. He also realized that he had all but ruined this boy's decoration. "Eeeh! I'll get you a new one, promise!"
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