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 New to the Neighborhood, Care to amuse me?

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New to the Neighborhood, Care to amuse me? Empty
PostSubject: New to the Neighborhood, Care to amuse me?   New to the Neighborhood, Care to amuse me? EmptyMon Nov 21, 2011 9:21 pm

[[ \D;; I'm new to KiguRumble but I'd love to just get a jump in the roleplay! So um \D;; I apologize a head of time if I'm lousy at this haha;; I think KiguRumble is my first tournament group so again I apologize u//n//u;; My guy's ref is on my deviantart account, LittleHood, first one in the gallery. Can't link since I'm new ;3; ]]

Reese wandered around aimlessly, dragging his feet as he walked with an annoyed attitude. Damn it was boring around here.

Well really he wasn't one to talk, what with being a 'newbie' and all but that wasn't the point to him, not at all. He wanted 'excitement', someone to bother or pester. It was no fun just wandering around by himself, and his shoes were paying for it as dragging them around probably wasn't going to help their condition at all.

God wasn't anyone around to talk to? He wasn't usually the 'must find someone to talk to' type but when in need of entertainment or human contact other people tend to be a good thing.

Reese swore under his breath, continuing to wander around as he dragged his feet irritatedly, muttering to himself under his breath.
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New to the Neighborhood, Care to amuse me? Empty
PostSubject: Re: New to the Neighborhood, Care to amuse me?   New to the Neighborhood, Care to amuse me? EmptyMon Nov 21, 2011 9:37 pm

(Never really done a rumble RP before but I'll give it a shot

Cullen: [link]
Kama: [Link] )

Cullen wore a frown across his face as he strolled with his cousin, Kama. The scorpion tail of Cullen's kigurumi trailed along in the dirt behind him. He glanced at his cousin sideways who was absorbed into a pamphlet mapping out the KiguRumble! facilities and all the arenas and such. Kama looked up at him sensing Cullen's gaze, "what is it? Is there something--urgh!" A groan of surprise escaped his mouth after colliding into another body. His face flushed red and quickly scrambled to his feet. "O--oh I'm sorry! I didn't see you there!! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Cullen shook his head side to side, he took the time to look over the serval kigu Kama ran into.
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New to the Neighborhood, Care to amuse me? Empty
PostSubject: Re: New to the Neighborhood, Care to amuse me?   New to the Neighborhood, Care to amuse me? EmptyMon Nov 21, 2011 10:01 pm

Reese hissed, still irritated as someone bumped into him. Well at least this was someone to amuse his boredom.

"If you're so freakin' sorry maybe you should have been watchin' where you were stompin'."

The serval kigu never was the social time, more like the 'alright I'll talk but how I want' type. Reese looked at the two who had crossed this bitter kitty's path. Hmph. A bug and a duck? Adorably amusing. He decided to toy with them or at least get as much entertainment as he could get out of the two.

"The hell are you two doin' anyways?" He asked, tilting his head at them as he slid his hands onto his hips.
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New to the Neighborhood, Care to amuse me? Empty
PostSubject: Re: New to the Neighborhood, Care to amuse me?   New to the Neighborhood, Care to amuse me? EmptyMon Nov 21, 2011 10:38 pm

(thought i should start RPing since i just joined and have nothing to do at the moment. ;w;
oh, and i can't post links for seven days. so yeah, you can just find my charries on my dA profile(3point-one4). derp.)

Jackson watched, with a rather bored expression on his face, the commotion across the street(yeah there's a street, don't judge.) from his seat on the old wooden bench(yeah, there's a bench too.). He didn't bother to pull his hood down, even though its long fangs were obviously obscuring his vision, and he actually wanted to watch the little situation between the serval, kappa, and scorpion. He settled into the bench and waited for anything interesting to happen.

(well, that was pretty crappy. i suck at intros anyway trololol~)
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New to the Neighborhood, Care to amuse me? Empty
PostSubject: Re: New to the Neighborhood, Care to amuse me?   New to the Neighborhood, Care to amuse me? EmptyTue Nov 22, 2011 12:22 am

Kama looked down at the ground, "O--okay..." Cullen gently pushed his cousin back and placed himself slightly in between Reese and Kama. "Calm down Sour Puss." He glanced over to the other kigu plopped on a bench and thought to himself that there were a lot of wild cats running around. Cullen turned his attention back to Reese. "We were just trying to find someone to do around here." He jabbed a thumb towards Kama's direction, "He's new to the place and I offered to explore with him."

He paused and studied the man in front of him again. "Speaking of, I don't think I've ever seen you around either...Or him." Cullen added glancing at the isolated kigu again. Crossing his arms over his chest and shifted his weight to another leg. "What's your story?" Kama glanced around Cullen's back, slightly frustrated that scorpion was preventing him from talking to the new guy.
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New to the Neighborhood, Care to amuse me? Empty
PostSubject: Re: New to the Neighborhood, Care to amuse me?   New to the Neighborhood, Care to amuse me? EmptyWed Nov 23, 2011 7:18 pm

Reese spat irritatedly, crossing his arms. Sour Puss, SOUR PUSS.

Like he was some kitty cat. He didn’t give a damn if he was a serval but he was no ‘kitty cat’.
Just tryin’ to find somethin’ to do around here? Well look at this, you’ve found something to do.” He growled, glaring at the two back and forth.

His head snapped over as one of them noticed yet another person. He hissed again, glaring at this new person.
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New to the Neighborhood, Care to amuse me? Empty
PostSubject: Re: New to the Neighborhood, Care to amuse me?   New to the Neighborhood, Care to amuse me? EmptyWed Nov 23, 2011 7:56 pm

Jackson raised an eyebrow. He curled his lip in distaste.
Well, damn, ain't this one feisty? He thought to himself.
Jackson pushed himself up from the bench with a low growl, looking both ways down the street, then crossing over to where the three other kigus were.
"You got a problem, bud?" He said with a slightly gruff voice, poking Reese hard in the chest. "You best be evil eye-in' some other sonuvabitch."
(He's got kind of a southern accent. :3)
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New to the Neighborhood, Care to amuse me? Empty
PostSubject: Re: New to the Neighborhood, Care to amuse me?   New to the Neighborhood, Care to amuse me? EmptyWed Nov 23, 2011 8:05 pm

Cullen wiped the sleeves of his kigurumi off, he mumbled to himself, "Oh that's nice, getting spit everywhere." A smirk graced Cullen's face. Kama edged towards the kigu sitting off by himself, hoping to not get lassoed into whatever Cullen was planning. He could tell from that smirk that he was about to say something.

The smirk on Cullen's face twisted into a grin, "Found something to do, huh? Sorry but just because you are a -pussy- cat, doesn't mean I'm interested in doing ya." He acted for a moment like he suddenly realized what Reese meant, "Oh! You mean Rumble? Now you are more interesting to do." Kama stopped dead in his tracks, once he saw that other feline kigu approaching and thus hearing Cullen's remark. Now he has lost a chance at a bystander sanctuary.

He tightly gripped the straps of his turtle shell backpack as he waited for the storm to start.
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New to the Neighborhood, Care to amuse me? Empty
PostSubject: Re: New to the Neighborhood, Care to amuse me?   New to the Neighborhood, Care to amuse me? EmptyWed Nov 30, 2011 6:25 am

"Tch. Like I'd do such a thing with the likes of you. Filthy thinkin' you got there."

As if Reese would do something like that ever. Not even with a chick. They had to be all his before he did anything like that

"Of course I meant Rumble, get yer mind out of the gutter. Jesus." The serval rolled his eyes, so far not impressed with the locals.

Jeez if this was the Rumble had to offer when it came to locals it was letting Reese down. There weren't nothing special or 'bright' about 'em. At least not from what he'd saw so far.

Reese moved a bit as the other large cat jabbed him in the chest. He frowned bitterly at the other, becoming more and more unimpressed.
He'd not been looking for a fight, chit chat yeah but it would seem he found a fight none the less. Irritating locals this place had so far.

"The matter Kitten? Can't take a simple curious glance?" Reese growled, beginning to loose his cool.
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New to the Neighborhood, Care to amuse me? Empty
PostSubject: Re: New to the Neighborhood, Care to amuse me?   New to the Neighborhood, Care to amuse me? EmptyWed Dec 28, 2011 12:27 am

"Kitten? Better watch what 'cha say, bud." Jackson growled. He glanced over to the two other kigus present, kind of unaware that they were there.

(I don't know what else to type.. so friggin' short o3o and I haven't been here in like a month or whatever. xD)
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New to the Neighborhood, Care to amuse me? Empty
PostSubject: Re: New to the Neighborhood, Care to amuse me?   New to the Neighborhood, Care to amuse me? EmptyThu Dec 29, 2011 5:47 pm

The scorpion shrugged at Reese's response. "Can't help where my head goes as long as its fun." Kama glanced between the other 3 males.

"S--stop..." He began to stutter, "We don't need to be fighting like this. Especially when we've j--just met." Cullen gently patted the top of his cousin's head. Kama pouted, feeling his spiky hair being flattened. He looked towards the other 2 to see how they would react to the moment of, hopefully, peace. 'Seems I've calmed Cullen down a bit, just wonder how long it will last..'
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