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 Could someone give me a little advice/help?

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Could someone give me a little advice/help? Empty
PostSubject: Could someone give me a little advice/help?   Could someone give me a little advice/help? EmptyFri Nov 04, 2011 2:14 am

Could someone give me a little advice/help? Benson10

I drew this up, hoping to make it look super cool. I also want to kind of break my usual habit of shading/highlights. I wanna be able to use colors like pink, or red, or purple to shade. Stuff like that.

I also wanna make a cool background for this, but I have no clue how to do so xD

I figured this would be an awesome place to ask because KiguRumble has some of the best artists I've ever seen, and I was hoping I could get a few pointers in the right direction. C:
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Could someone give me a little advice/help? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Could someone give me a little advice/help?   Could someone give me a little advice/help? EmptyFri Nov 04, 2011 2:25 am

I fail at BGs, but how I use colour to shade, I choose the colour and set it on multiply, adjust the hue as I see fit, and then the opacity of the multiplied layer. No clue how to do multiple colours like, Chaz does (like the banner to the forum). Hope I helped nonetheless C:
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Could someone give me a little advice/help? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Could someone give me a little advice/help?   Could someone give me a little advice/help? EmptyFri Nov 04, 2011 12:15 pm

As far as I can tell, Chaz does the multiple color thing by doing all the shading with a regular shadow color set to multiply, then later setting an opacity lock on it and putting random colors all over the place. xD
That's a very easy way to shade with colors.

You COULD do it the good, hard, old fashion way and just.. select the color your shading, darken it, and add a hint of whatever color you want, though... But it's a big pain and if you don't understand colors super well it's, like, impossible to do and have it look amazing. @3@;;

Though this isn't really involved with your question--I just want to remind you, either way, remember contrast! Contrast, contrast, contrast! ('Cause if you're like me, you'll find yourself shading too light unless you tell yourself otherwise.)
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Could someone give me a little advice/help? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Could someone give me a little advice/help?   Could someone give me a little advice/help? EmptyFri Nov 04, 2011 1:30 pm

THanks jotaku, I was kind of wondering how Chaz made her shading so bloody awesome.
Opacity lock. Seems like There is actually a use for that. I never knew what it was for, so I never used it >A>
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PostSubject: Re: Could someone give me a little advice/help?   Could someone give me a little advice/help? EmptyFri Nov 04, 2011 2:34 pm

The opacity lock tool is endlessly helpful. XD
If you shade on the same layer it helps you stay only on what you've already colored, if you need to change the color on a layer.. all sorts of stuff.
I use it a lot. ; u; That and the layer clipping ability.
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PostSubject: Re: Could someone give me a little advice/help?   Could someone give me a little advice/help? EmptyFri Nov 04, 2011 2:37 pm

@Slender: That's a really good suggestion, I'll have to try it out C:

@Jotaku: I'm still learning the program, so reading stuff like that helps a LOT xD FFFt I was wondering how Pandas did that. I still don't know a lot about Sai, and I'm learning bit by bit x3 I'll master it someday!
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Could someone give me a little advice/help? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Could someone give me a little advice/help?   Could someone give me a little advice/help? EmptyFri Nov 04, 2011 2:42 pm

@JOtaku }} djfghsldfhg SO I DONT have to have 60+ layers of shading x'D
Thanks~ That really helps a lot <3
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Could someone give me a little advice/help? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Could someone give me a little advice/help?   Could someone give me a little advice/help? EmptyFri Nov 04, 2011 2:51 pm

Haha, no problem, you two! I mean, I'm definitely no master of SAI, but I know a few helpful tips and tricks. ; w;
Anything I can do to help, don't be afraid to ask. I may not be able to always answer, but I'll my best. @A@
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PostSubject: Re: Could someone give me a little advice/help?   Could someone give me a little advice/help? EmptyFri Nov 04, 2011 2:52 pm

Thanks so much Jotaku C:

You're so helpful! It's nice to see an experienced artist actually willing to help beginners like me xD
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