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 Lunchtime with Lemah

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Lunchtime with Lemah Empty
PostSubject: Lunchtime with Lemah   Lunchtime with Lemah EmptyThu Nov 03, 2011 6:02 pm

Lemah has invited anyone who wants to join, to a luncheon at his house. TIME FOR FRIENDSHIP!! I need to develop relationships for Lemah since hes not a rumbler lol. Keep in mind- you all came at your own will. This guy can't cook for shit.

> no being a whiny, attention obsessive, or overall jerk. Unless your character has that kind of disposition.
> idc if you curse, but lets keep this pg14
> paragraph form only. i only like literateness guys Sad
> this is so not a drama llama time!! even though i like it!! we can have friendships/romance without a chunk of drama!!
> this is supposed to be a happy, lighthearted, and even comical roleplay. there really shouldn't be any issues, right?

Please have fun~ Ok BYE!!

Last edited by Whistler on Thu Nov 03, 2011 6:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Lunchtime with Lemah Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime with Lemah   Lunchtime with Lemah EmptyThu Nov 03, 2011 6:07 pm

I have an Okapi non-fighter. 0w0
He's very very shy though, and I need to finish his ref, but do you think he'd work?
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Lunchtime with Lemah Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime with Lemah   Lunchtime with Lemah EmptyThu Nov 03, 2011 6:14 pm

Sure, of course!
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Lunchtime with Lemah Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime with Lemah   Lunchtime with Lemah EmptyThu Nov 03, 2011 6:26 pm

All right. ^^ Then Appe will gladly (shyly) come over to Lemah's house for luncheon~
Shall we wait for others or would you like to start? ^^ I'm new to^^'
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Lunchtime with Lemah Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime with Lemah   Lunchtime with Lemah EmptyThu Nov 03, 2011 6:42 pm

I guess I'll give this a try~! I'll use Vince. n3n

Edit//THOUGH ACTUALLY I SUCK AT FORUM BASED RPS soso, will there be like..taking turns or..?
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Lunchtime with Lemah Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime with Lemah   Lunchtime with Lemah EmptyThu Nov 03, 2011 6:54 pm

Others will/can come anytime, its okay tos tart- but lets go slow for them yeah? Also, paragraoh form only please! And theres no real need to take turns! Just chillx and enjoy! =U=

Lemah hummed a soft tune, waltzing over from the spice cabinet to his boiling curry sauce. He dumped what seemed to be about half the container of pepper spice into the pot and stirred it happily. The lavender haired male smoothed his hair back a bit, stretching after he put the spoon back down. There was a cool, relaxed smile across his lips, excited to treat his guests. Lots of people knew Lemah, Lemah knew lots of people too. But he seemed to have lost any real connection with people since he retired from rumbling. Not to mention, he didn't have any connection with any of the rumblers these days. His jade eyes eased a bit, thinking back to those days. Ah, yes, he was excited to make acquaintance with the young batch. Funny that he should speak as such, even though he was but 17, but three years ago Lemah was a top rumbler. Sometimes it made him feel like an old man instead of a young adult. None the less! His curry was almost done, and he had some fried bread fresh on the table. Lemah would be please if two people came, much less the amount he actually invited.
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Lunchtime with Lemah Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime with Lemah   Lunchtime with Lemah EmptyThu Nov 03, 2011 6:59 pm

When Appe had received the invitation he'd been shocked. Being a non-rumbler and at the young age he was, he had no idea really who Lemah was-but he'd heard of him. After much pacing and attempting to dissuade himself from attending the luncheon, he finally decided to 'man up' and go.
Which was how he found himself cowering on the doorstep of the man's home in his Okapi suit, twiddling his fingers and working up the courage to ring the bell. When he finally did, he closed his emerald green eyes and hoped that the man answering wouldn't do something EAT him.

((Appe's kinda...a scaredy-cat. XD ))
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Lunchtime with Lemah Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime with Lemah   Lunchtime with Lemah EmptyThu Nov 03, 2011 7:21 pm

((Look how slow I am!))

Vince was confident that Riley could take care of herself for the time being so he was eager to get out of the house and socialize. Being a rumbler from time to time, Vince had heard of Lemah, but never met him personally. Vince was just right behind Appe, keeping a comfortable distance--not that being close to someone bothered him, he just understood everyone needed their own personal space. As much as he liked to wear his kigurumi, he dressed himself casual in black slacks and a tight fitting t-shirt, nothing too fancy for him anyway. His hair was neatly tied back with thick breads, aside from a few strands that curled over his shoulders. He made a friendly gesture towards Appe, nothing much besides a smile and a wave.
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Lunchtime with Lemah Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime with Lemah   Lunchtime with Lemah EmptyThu Nov 03, 2011 7:24 pm

((haha no worries~I just posted Appe's refffff~))

Appe ducked his head, trying to turn invisible. He wasn't quite sure why the larger man waved at him, until it dawned on him that perhaps this was another guest to the luncheon...and perhaps he should try to make friends. So he held out a small hand and squeaked a "hello".
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Lunchtime with Lemah Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime with Lemah   Lunchtime with Lemah EmptyThu Nov 03, 2011 7:32 pm

Lemah turned to the door, hearing the bell ring. He blinked for a second, then burst into a warm smile. He walked towards the door, opening it to two guests. Smiling whole-heartedly at them both, he gestured them in. "Hello! It's nice to meet you. I'm Lemah, please come it~ I'm almost done cooking, so your a bit little early yeah? Come sit at the table..." Lemah close the door behind them. "So, what are your names? I'm really not sure who I invited anymore- I might have invited the whole town ahaha..."
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Lunchtime with Lemah Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime with Lemah   Lunchtime with Lemah EmptyThu Nov 03, 2011 7:34 pm

Appe blushed and waved slightly, "H-Hi...I-I'm Appe," he mumbled, shifting slowly from one foot to the other shyly
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Lunchtime with Lemah Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime with Lemah   Lunchtime with Lemah EmptyThu Nov 03, 2011 7:52 pm

Vince nodded in thanks after he walked inside, briefly looking around before turning his attention to Lemah. "I'm Vince." He said, his lips curling in a small smile. At least he knew the other's name now, too. "The whole town, huh." Vince murmured, he might have been learning quite a few names if they actually showed up.He went over to the table and sat down, crossing his legs like he usually did. "Thank you for inviting me, though." Vince commented politely, he wasn't one to be rude outside of rumbling. He patted the spot next to him, grinning towards Appe, he could tell the other was probably a bit shy and friendliness might help the younger male come out of his shell more. Though, with that grin on his face and those round, thick glasses, Vince probably looked like a dork.
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Lunchtime with Lemah Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime with Lemah   Lunchtime with Lemah EmptyThu Nov 03, 2011 7:57 pm

Appe blushed and thanked their kind host as well, seating himself in the suggested chair, "So..." he took a deep breath and decided to try to make conversation, "You...used to rumble?" he directed the question at Lemah with a small nod.

{{I almost typed 'the suggestive chair' OTL}}
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Lunchtime with Lemah Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime with Lemah   Lunchtime with Lemah EmptyFri Nov 04, 2011 12:02 am

(( I hope you don't mind me coming to play too~))

Anania had done the usual trip to the mailbox, and as he was walking in, he had noted a small envelope; which, upon opening, had turned out to be an invitation. It was from someone named Lemah. He didn't know the name, so he figured it was a friend of his boyfriend of two entire years, Benson. He had walked in to their modest apartment, to find Benson lounging on their greyed-blue couch comfortably. He had the lights dimmed, and the tv cast a blue tint on his pale features. He was watching "Kigu's Anatomy", his favorite Tv show.
Anania closed the door softly, and set the bills on the counter. He took the invite to Benson, and held it out to him, "I dunno who this is from, but they invited us to a luncheon, we should totally go~!"

Benson eyed the invitation with scrutinizing eyes for a short moment before snorting and making a disgusted face, "Ugh, what the hell is that? No way."

Anania rolled his eyes with a sarcastic smile, "Well suit yourself. But you'll be making your own lunch tomorrow, because I want to go."

The next day, he drove his small SUV up to the house mentioned on the little paper, and parallel parked out in front. He opened his door and slid out, the sun glinting brilliantly against his natural blonde hair. He dropped down to the pavement and shut the door carefully; he didn't want to damage his new car.

Upon inspecting the quaint house, he smiled pleasantly, excited to meet the owner, and possibly some other people he probably didn't know. With a lighthearted beat in his step, he walked up to the house, and rang the doorbell. As he waited for a response, he checked his watch, which had a pink clouds and unicorn theme. The hands were little rainbow arrows, and the background had a cute unicorn jumping over a little rainbow, smiling gayly (the "happy" context there, not "homosexual" xD). It read the exact time specified, not second later. He was always on time to everything.
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Lunchtime with Lemah Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime with Lemah   Lunchtime with Lemah EmptyFri Nov 04, 2011 4:29 pm

((I won't be able to be online until late tomorrow. OTL I'm so so sorry guys, but it's my bestie's b-day Appe is too shy to talk? OTL))
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Lunchtime with Lemah Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime with Lemah   Lunchtime with Lemah EmptyFri Nov 04, 2011 4:40 pm

(( Oh, ok. Have lots of fun!!))
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Lunchtime with Lemah Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime with Lemah   Lunchtime with Lemah EmptySat Nov 05, 2011 10:57 am

(Yeah, have fun! owo)

Lemah turned to Appe in surprise, blinking, "Oh me? Yeah. That was a long time ago, though!" He smiled right as the doorbell rang. Lemah went to open it again to another kigu. "Ah! Hello. Your right on time." The lavander-haired male invited him in and hurried back to the kitchen to stir the curry. The rice was almost done, too. "I hope you guys like curry, though its a bit spicy."
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Lunchtime with Lemah Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lunchtime with Lemah   Lunchtime with Lemah EmptySat Nov 05, 2011 12:14 pm

((Thanks guys~back nowwwww! Very Happy ))

Appe blinked curiously, "I-I've never had curry before...but I do enjoy...trying new foods," he spoke softly, as though uncertain of everything he said.
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