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 General Forum Rules, read before posting!

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Posts : 162
Join date : 2011-10-29
Location : Texas

General Forum Rules, read before posting! Empty
PostSubject: General Forum Rules, read before posting!   General Forum Rules, read before posting! EmptySun Oct 30, 2011 3:22 am

Okay guys, so this is pretty elementary but I'm going to go ahead and lay down some ground rules for the forum and, most likely, life after this because these are good rules to live by no matter where you are quite honestly.

No drama
We draw people in animal suits, we roleplay, we draw anime and "furries" so get over it. There's no reason to cause problems when you are all weirdos. Just remember, behind every screen is a human being with FEELINGS and if you wouldn't say it to their face then don't type it. Keep personal business and private discussions in the private messages, that's why they're there.
Surprise, this also means refrain from excessive whining. There's a difference between "I had a really shitty day today guys..." and "SO N' SO WONT DRAW MY CHARACTER WAAAH" or something. You should know the difference.

Think before you post
This goes for many things including what you are about to type, where you post your thread, what you put on your profile, ect. If it can cause you trouble later, don't do it. If you're not sure, ask someone or don't do it. Also, please try and put your post where it belongs. If there is a category for it, post in it. If you have a question, check and see if someone else has had that question prior before posting a new thread about it.

Post all reference in the dA gallery
If you want to post your reference in the roleplay thread so everyone can see it right there, that's fine, i understand people don't want to go all the way to another site to see it. This is more for if you have never posted it in the dA gallery before but you have a thread for it here, don't do that. It's much easier to see everyone's characters in the gallery then having to rummage around the forum or clutter the threads with tons of pictures unrelated to the topic. I hope this makes sense.

Individual roleplays have individual rules
If you start a roleplay thread, lay does your rules. If you join a roleplay thread, follow their rules. Don't assume everyone's rules are the same, some people prefer one style or are irked by certain things that others aren't. Some people just don't care. Read their guidelines to make sure before. If they want, post a link/url/img of your character when starting a roleplay so they can match a username with a character when roleplaying. Basic information right here.

Shy from art threads.
This does not include the Art Discussion forum which, even still, is not an "art" forum. It is more for WIPs and art-related chats but not completed works. Yes, you can post doodles from time to time if you would like to or think they would clutter the gallery, but try and keep pictures to the dA gallery here:

Keep it moderately work safe.
Keep all smutty thoughts to private messages and IM's please. If you have anything frisky and you feel the need to share it, lock your thread THIS ONLY APPLIES FOR WRITTEN WORKS.

Careful with "Rumbles"
This is a Rumble-based group which can oddly enough lead to rumble-based roleplays. Make sure if you start something like this that you are both clear on the line between fighting and god-modding. This is something that will vary from person to person, some are okay with someone else pushing their character over, some would rather be able to choose what happens when the other comes in contact with them. Learn your partner.

• Last but not least, don't be shy
We all don't know eachother, open up to people. We have a lot of interesting members with interesting characters, don't be afraid to ask them if they would like to chat or something, that's kind of how you make friends. You can do it, I believe in you.

I will update this accordingly....when I remember more things.

Last edited by enjoiPANDAS on Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Posts : 162
Join date : 2011-10-29
Location : Texas

General Forum Rules, read before posting! Empty
PostSubject: Re: General Forum Rules, read before posting!   General Forum Rules, read before posting! EmptyMon Oct 31, 2011 10:58 pm

UPDATE [10/31/11]

1] New information over text or roleplays that are horrendously NOT SAFE FOR WORK: lock your thread. If there is just two of you, PMs and IMs are fine for this though.

2] ART DISCUSSION forum information added, seems like a good addition
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General Forum Rules, read before posting!
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