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 Where's Where

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Posts : 9
Join date : 2011-11-03

Where's Where Empty
PostSubject: Where's Where   Where's Where EmptyThu Nov 03, 2011 10:29 am

huuuwwuhh..... I'm really hungry... I can't find my sis anywhere...

I'm hearing lots of noises... Must be that rumble... Dome thing...

"Shay? Shaay! SHAAAAYYYYY!" ... No answer. Sis better not be mad at me. She left me first. Where Am I any way?

I've been walking for a while, so hungry, did Shay say anything before she left me? I don't remember.... I must have been daydreaming that time. What was I day dreaming about? Uhh... I think it was something about food. OH! I wanted to have crepes! Yeah.. I remeber smelling them around... somewhere. Then I told Shay I wanted some... Ohh.. I see now. Oh. Oh dang. I think she told me to wait... Awww, She's going to scold me for sure. Ma be I can Make up an excuse like.. I was--


Ow... Ow! OWW! THAT HURT! Ow, My face! My butt! What was that!


"Huh?" Who said that?

"If your going to walk around blind, Have a freaking cane with you atleast. Mabe a dog would help too."

Hmmm... I see, I seem to have bumped into somebody. Sounds like... a girl. Wait... A boy? A kid maybe? "Sorry, my bad."

Last edited by Roe on Thu Nov 03, 2011 11:25 am; edited 1 time in total
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Join date : 2011-11-03

Where's Where Empty
PostSubject: Where's Where   Where's Where EmptyThu Nov 03, 2011 11:25 am

"Apologize! Now!!" Ayyyee... It's yelling at me.

"Calm down will you?" Hmmm someone else is here? They sound like they right in front of me.

"But Bro! She hurt you!" Hnn, Ohhh, I bumped into this (person who is yelling at me)'s brother... He sounds like his whining.

"Don't exagerate, she just bumped into me." "Sorry about my little brother, he's high offa' sugar." Hmm? Oh, OH! He's talking to me.

"Oh, no problem. Sorry I bumped into you."




It's quiet.

"Uh... Arn't you goin to take my hand?"

"Eh?" Huh? Take his hand?

"Big bro, She won't take your hand because she's blind."


Ohhhh!!! Oh dang, but where is it? Ahhh, dang this is frustrating.

"Sorry, I didn't think much about that blind fold you have there."
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Join date : 2011-11-03

Where's Where Empty
PostSubject: Where's Where   Where's Where EmptyThu Nov 03, 2011 2:23 pm

"Hey, by any chance, are you lost?" I think the big brother is talking to me.

"I guess so." I was questioning myself earlier about where I the heck am I.

"You guess?" the girl--- I mean little boy spoke. "Tch what kind of a person walks around blind with no supervision?"

"Hey, she's blind. You can't force people to have super-vision if they can't help it!" hmmm I think i hear another person. I think it's a girl this I
Time... Unless it's another kid...

"I'm not talking about SUPER-VISION! I'm talking about have some sort of companion you dope!" the little brother yelled at a distance I can guess about like... 2 meters away.

"Oh come to think of it I was with some one." who was it again? Ahh this pain on my nose hurts. Oh yeah Shay. "I was with my sister just now."

"Do you know where she is?" the big brother asked...

"...Do I?" I questioned myself.

"Big bro, forget it, if she's lost she's lost, I'm sure her Sister will find her this place is not very big big big big ...... Why did it just echo just now?

"I think we would fail as men if we leave a poor defenseless girl like this alone." the person that may have been a girl spoke. But since they described them selves as a man I suppose that that person was a boy with a really high voice.
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Join date : 2011-11-03

Where's Where Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where's Where   Where's Where EmptySat Nov 05, 2011 6:22 pm

"Don't worry, we'll help look for your sister." The Big Brother is still talking to me. "and don't worry about my little brother, he just hates girls."

He hates girls? and you're telling me not to worry?

Ahhh, I's so hungry...


"...." Wow it got quiet again.

"Before we start looking, do you want to eat anything?" He asked the great question...


"Big bro the only thing we need to offer is helping her find her sister, NOT spending our money for her!" Aiiish , this kid, he really does hate girls.

"Uh, I have my own money if that's okay with you." I hope he simmers down now.

"NONN SENNNSE!! " Eh? The guy with the girly voice? "We are men! I will not let a girl pay for her own food! Especially when we are all such gentlemen, of the highest kind."

"You're exagerating, even more so than shorty."

Huh. the little brother is a shorty? I wonder how tall the big brother is.


Ohhh looks like he's sensitive about it.

"You know I'm just a kid!"

AH HA! I knew it.

"It doesn't help you size now does it?"

Big brother sure likes to tease. Hmmm.... When are we going to ea--


Gah-- Ha- OWWW!! Wha- What the?!

"You stupid idiot!" Hwuuah! What?What?! Huh? That sounds like Sis! Owww, my head!

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Join date : 2011-11-03

Where's Where Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where's Where   Where's Where EmptyFri Dec 02, 2011 12:05 am

"You IDIOT! I told you to stay where you are! What part of "Wait here" Did you not follow? Do you know how long I've been searching for you?! If you wern't blind folded like the fool that you are, you probably wouldn't have been lost! You were lost wern't you? You went and got your self lost right?! Well that's your Gosh dang fault... BLAH BLAH blah blah..."

Ugh, my ears are ringing. Shay is really mad.... I think she's still yelling at me... Hmmm.... Ughhh I'm hungry. *Grumble* Hmm? What's this? What's this?? I smell something good..."I smell crepes!" Ohhh, it smells even better if I lean closer!


"Ow!" Ouch, my head!

"Forget it! you misbehaved and got me worried sick! No crepes for you! I bought these for you for nothing!" Shay is really mad.

"I'm sorry!" Mabe if I bed on my knees for forgiveness she'll let me have some! "Please forgive me Shay!" Yeah, that's it! put some tears into it!

"Auuughhhh, you're just hopeless!"

"I'm sorry Shay, I won't do it again." I'm so hungry I'll do anything. "Please Fo- Mumph!" Hmm? Hmm??? Hmmm?!?!? Ohhh this tastes good! But ow! She didn't have to shove the crepe in my mouth! .... Oh what ever, its still GOOD!
End of Roe's Perspective.

"Oh sorry, were we bothering you?" Shay spoke to the people watching them.

"N-No.. Not at all." The tall one with Brown shagy hair spoke. "So you are this girls sister?"

"Eh heh, yea. My name is Shayonne, but just call me Shay for short." Shay introduced herself.

"Pleased to meet you. This is my little brother Veiz, and my cousin Theo, And I'm Dei." Dei spoke politely.

"Pleased to meet you." Shay smiled. "Please excuse my sister, she's a trouble maker, but she means no harm."

"Oh Don--" Dei spoke but was interupted.

"No harm like Hell! Keep a leesh on her you can't kkep an eye on her!" Veiz critisized.

"Shut up Veiz!" Dei bopped him in the head.

"What? Did she do anything to you guys?" Shay was concerned.

"N-No, She didn't cause any trouble. It's just this kid is hard headed, and he hates girls, so he's just exagerating to extremes..." Dei was frustrated.

"..." Shay said nothing, only stared at Veiz for a short moment.

"Wha-What?! The Hell you looking at?!" Veiz poised as if he was ready to fight.

"You hate girls?" Shay asked.

"Yeah, and what of it?!" Veiz moved back, sensing there was no fight to begin with.

"Nothing of it. But why is more like it."

"That's none of your business!" Veiz began to walk away.

"So what, does have to make you some kind of douche to all the girls you meet? Huh? F***ing brat." Shay's attitude suddenly changed.

Everyone was shocked. Roe especially. After Roe had finished her crepe, she sprung up and retreated.

"HAAAAHHH???" Veiz turned and returned to his Fighting poise. "Did you say something? You biznotch!" Veiz stood his ground.

"What? You're ears got some scum in those ears like the rest of the inside of your skull you call a brain?" Shay insulted.

"You have alot of spunk don't ya?"

"More than that tiny body of yours can handle." Shay smirked.

"..." Viez was more angry than ever.

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Join date : 2011-11-03

Where's Where Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where's Where   Where's Where EmptyTue Dec 13, 2011 2:43 am

"Enough Veiz!" Dei shoved Veiz's head down."Don't go starting a fight." He pushed Veiz behind him.

"What do you mean "don't go starting a fight"?! she started it" Veiz pointed at Shay angrily.

"Oh hold your galls pipsqueak." Shay spoke.

"Hold my-- PIPSQUEAK!?" Veiz was a appalled.

"Ugh. You know I was actually trying to be nice earlier but no, this tiny grump nut had to mess it up! I was already in a bad mood to begin with! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT DIA!!!"

"Wha--" Roe moved back hesitantly as Shay began to close in. "Hang on Sis, my name is Roe..."

"Your name is DIA! You can call yourself anything you want but I call you DIA! And dont fight with me! I might as well call you an idiot for the rest of your life! Thanks to you I already missed CAIN's fight with Drajh!It's supposed to be an EPIC battle! Who knows what I've missed already!"

"You mean fight #268?" Theo spoke. "It's already over."

Shay paused in a position attempting to maul over Roe.

She reached into her pocket pouch and took out a ticket. She read the ticket number carefully.


Silenced filled the air, as Shay began to tremble, crumpling the ticket.

Roe quietly tiptoed away.

Suddenly Roe felt an emense pain on her shoulder. Shay swiftly grabbed Roe to seize her from running.

"W-wait a sec, Sis!" Roe's voice began to tremble, in attempt to save her life. "Let's talk about this!"
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Where's Where Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where's Where   Where's Where EmptySun Dec 18, 2011 11:17 pm

Shay huddled into a corner sobbing over the recent becommings. Roe layed flat on the ground as if she were dead.

"Oh.. My..." Theo spoke.

Shay began to mumble like she was chanting, in despair. "I'm so sorry Cain... I, as your number one fan had failed you. not once from the moment you began to fight in the Kigurumble grounds through out the intire city did I ever miss a fight that you were in... Now.. today, It had to be your biggest fight ever and I missed it... I MISSED IT.... I MISSED IT..." She melted in cold tears and fell over to the ground as if she was spilt milk. Her last words souunded over and over like she was a broken record.

"Hey bro, who's Cain?" Veiz asked.

"I dunno." Dei shrugged.

"Oh, he's that guy up there." Theo pointed to the giant TV screen above them. There it showed small replays of fight #268.

Shay slowly looked up to see the screen."*Sniff*Cain... Cain? Cain.... Cain?? CAIN?! CAIN!!!!" She squeeled in excitement and watched the small replays that showed apparantly Cain's best moves intently, and learned that Cain had won the fight.

"OmiGawwwd! He won !!!" She squeeld." Can I have this recording?! is there anyway I can have this recording?! I want it I want it I want it soooo BAAAD!!!!" She jumped in excitement.

Dei and the others watched in awe of her reaction to seeing Cain.

"I'm not sure you can. This only broadcasts 10 minutes after the fight." Theo said.

"Ohhh!!!" Shay began to pout, then stared at the screen longer to assure she sees every single last msecond of the fight. "I just can't get any luck!"

"That's not true, sis, atleast you get to see the fight." Roe spoke as she slowly got up.

"YOU STAY DOWN." Shay glared at roe as she struck Roe down with an aura of hate.

Roe layed back down on the ground in fear.
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