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Training Session Empty
PostSubject: Training Session   Training Session EmptyMon Oct 31, 2011 10:24 pm

I wanna fight with Mula so bad. 8D Who wants to spar with her? I warn you now, she does not play fair.

Which means, there really aren't any particular rules- go all out!
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Training Session Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training Session   Training Session EmptyTue Nov 01, 2011 1:44 am

Me me! I wanna give Fin a go, and Mula seems like a cool match. Just name a setting, etc, and I'm cool. c:
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PostSubject: Re: Training Session   Training Session EmptyTue Nov 01, 2011 12:12 pm

can't wait to watch this ^^
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PostSubject: Re: Training Session   Training Session EmptyTue Nov 01, 2011 3:43 pm

oh yeeeeeeeeee! Here we go lol
SETTING: Rumble Zone in a thinly populated forest- Mula likes to hang here. Some people hanging about training as well, not every many. But what do seem to perk up in interest at the battle that is about to make way. Mula has a reputation around here for hustling unsuspecting opponents.

Time to let loose a little, then. The ginger-haired, dark-skinned little bunny girl seemed harmless enough. There was a gentle and relaxed smile about her face as well. Of course, until she bowed and stepped onto the platform. She took her form, and settled into an anxious grin. "Hello, darling," she greeted her opponent, "You look terribly anxious to loose. Let me relieve you of your burden." Taunted the rabbit, as she wrapped a quick lime-green bandanna around her neck and settled her bags of weapons firmly around her waist. "How about a lil' bet? I win, you owe me 10 buttons. You win, I owe you 20. Fair enough, love?"
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PostSubject: Re: Training Session   Training Session EmptyTue Nov 01, 2011 4:06 pm

( YAY! Very Happy )

Fin was deliberately looking for trouble; it was one of the shark's many perks, and most of them were rather... bad. And lately she had been hearing about an equally troublesome rumbler, a hustler that particularly sparked her interest. The redhead swiftly made her way through the small population of trainers, approaching her opponent with a toothy cheshire grin. Upon stepping through the arena's barrier, Fin shifted into rumble form, a tall, menacing shark of a woman. Duel wield anchors were pulled from the straps upon her back, and almost immediately she began to pace. Fin chuckled jovially, laughing at her words. "Silly rodent." Sharp cage of pearly whites were flashed. "Accepted, now stop chattering and fight me!" Fin ceased her pacing and charged, an anchor in each hand ready to strike.
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Training Session Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training Session   Training Session EmptyTue Nov 01, 2011 4:16 pm

"Wonderous!" Mula clapped, completely unintimidated by the woman's brash disposition. Though, she did admit, her heart was pacing a bit. This would be a treat. Carefully, the rabbit focused on the shark's agility- she was fast and brutal, but that gave way to the handling her weapons, which would come up slow due to weight and momentum. That was probably we weak point, Mula would have to strike fast. Of course, after a little of playing around. She was a rabbit- she was pretty fast too. In fact, that was her best attribute besides intelligence. Swiftness. Mula, surprisingly, ran head-on with Fin, as if accepting her hits as if she could actually dodge them. In fact, she'd have to. One or two of those anchors and Mula would be out, probably. She couldn't fight with force- all she needed to do, was use her head. Right as she was several feet away from Fin, Mula ducked and slid, rolling in between the girl's legs and stopping behind her. Mula stood back up and smirked, flipping her long ginger hair slightly, careful not to tangle her curls. "Is that all, head on force? What a bore, you are."

(it is so fun being strategic ;A;)
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PostSubject: Re: Training Session   Training Session EmptyTue Nov 01, 2011 4:36 pm

Fin's body pulsed with adrenaline, that ever wicked grin never ceasing to present itself. All Mula was to her was prey; shark bait, to be exact, and her only goal was to take her down. Currency wasn't her drive, it was the sheer pleasure of knocking down her opponents, one by one. Flipper like feet propelled her rather quickly; one would think she would be clumsy with them, and sometimes she was, but she had learned to use them to her advantage. Aqua blue eyes were pinned on the target at hand, slitted pupils watching with vigilance; as Mula charged with her, she could almost see what was coming. As soon as the rabbit went behind, anchors were used as a deadweight, pinning to her chest as her long caudal tail acted like a rudder - Fin pivoted on her heel and instantaneously came back around, spinning, said tail aiming for the rabbit's chest. Her words were ignored for the time being, except to only cause a growl ripping up her throat. Whether she missed or hit, Fin would quickly veer off to the side, making sure to never stop moving.

(i'm not so good at strategy. ;n; so brute force will have to suffice! xD)
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PostSubject: Re: Training Session   Training Session EmptyTue Nov 01, 2011 4:56 pm

Mula dodged Fin's incoming tail, weighing pressure on her back. She slapped her hands to the floor and proceeded a whole flip, propping back in on her legs. She didn't even have time to blink, for the shark was already coming back at her with full force again. Would this chick tire out eventually? Mula smirked, wondering if she could fuel the shark-lady's anger with her words possibly. But she saw, just like a true great white in water, the she wasn't going to stop moving. Which meant she had a good amount of stamina. Well, Mula wasn't waiting around for that to go out. She'd simply have to trick the girl. Be just as fast. See it coming. Mula was quite sure this girl didn't have tricks up her sleeves like she, but that didn't make her any easier of an opponent. None-the-less, the rabbit proceeded to water Fin's movement's as carefully as she could, for she never knew exactly how the shark would pivot around again like that. A little more to her and Mula had expected! At any rate, from behind and from in front Fin was a hard target...that tail of hers. There were two options, of course. She'd try option number one, which she formulated in her mind as Fin came toward her.

(brutal force is harder to overcome than it looks UAU'' I love the fact the two of them have very different fighting styles.)
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Training Session Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training Session   Training Session EmptyTue Nov 01, 2011 5:20 pm

Fin was starting to become agitated. Why wasn't she striking? And more importantly, why was she so freaking fast?! However, such agitation only made her more vicious, and her attacks stronger. Blood has yet to be spilled, and that was what she desired most. True, Fin did have an abundance of stamina; she had to because of the way she hounded her opponents, back and forth, nonstop. And as a near 6 foot 2 tower of muscle, she was exceptionally dangerous, but that didn't mean she didn't have weakness... which could only be found by watching her. And that is exactly what Mula was doing, and Fin had noted that. Her facial features contorted into anger as she wasted no time to come back around, anchors extending to her sides, acting as her balance. Heading straight for her, one anchor was released, its chain grabbed and proceeded into a deadly swinging motion. Like a propeller it spun at her side, veering her off her path slightly; but that didn't stop her from tossing it directly at Mula's body. The sudden lack of weight was quickly accustomed to, her other anchor lifted and prepared to swing at wherever the rabbit would hop next.

( i know right? Very Happy it makes it a ton more interesting. )
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PostSubject: Re: Training Session   Training Session EmptyTue Nov 01, 2011 5:29 pm

"Fu-" Mula spit, quickly dodging the tremendous weight of the anchor. Because it was fast and heavy, she simply jumped from it's path and rolled towards the edge of the platform. Mula couldn't stop moving, just like Fin, and she realized that she was ready to throw her next. But- but this was her chance!! Mula scoffed, "Huh! Your aim is simply terrible! The object is to hit me, hun."

(swear this battle is epic LOL)
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Training Session Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training Session   Training Session EmptyTue Nov 01, 2011 5:54 pm

Fin missed, making her scowl even more. "Why don't you fight me, instead of jump around like the rodent you are?!" Racing towards her, as soon as Mula jumped, her anchor was not thrown, but instead Fin launched herself into the air and barreled towards her with weapon lifted and ready to slam down.

(omg i gotta draw it D: too epic for words, must need artwork)
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PostSubject: Re: Training Session   Training Session EmptyTue Nov 01, 2011 6:09 pm

Perfect. Mula smirked, jumping clear into the air. As Fin shot forward, Mula jumped clear over her head. She grabbed the chain of the weapon mid air and used it to swing behind the shark. From the back, she used her feet and kicked the Shark as hard as she could forward, all the weapon's weight plus her own would simply make her plummet to the ground. Hopefully, the shark wouldn't get up as fast as she expected her to. Or notice the adorable little trap she had began to set.

Na, too busy being all bloodthirsty and all.

The rabbit landed a bit bluntly, but picked herself up fast. Panting a bit, now.

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PostSubject: Re: Training Session   Training Session EmptyTue Nov 01, 2011 6:42 pm

Mula finally found it. Despite her thick, muscular tail, there were just times she couldn't protect her back. Sharks had a strange disability in which they couldn't move backwards, and whilst Fin was in the air, that was her opponent's time to strike. As soon as her foot left the ground, she already regretted her choice of attack. The rabbit skillfully, and rather effectively, managed to hit her. Fin felt the powerful kick to her back, snarling as she twisted to the floor in agony. The pain however didn't deter her agility, and the shark quickly rolled and took off towards the anchor she had tossed, tugging the one that had betrayed her behind. "Dammit," she cursed herself, the gills located at her ribcage flexing. Fin shook off whatever shock was leftover from the attack and picked up her weapon, resuming her onslaught. She was getting desperate.
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PostSubject: Re: Training Session   Training Session EmptyTue Nov 01, 2011 7:28 pm

Groaning, Mula began again her dodges. Unlike this apparent steam engine, she didn't have as much stamina. It was beginning to dwindle. But she couldn't let up. Mula hadn't even been using anything but her head yet. She had too many tricks up her sleeves, just no effective way to execute them at the moment. Her hide- it was too thick for knives, and she couldn't get close to her anyways. Fin could probably withstand her small bombs, and thats all she had on her for a spar. Of course, unless she used them all at once. Mula smirked. Just a little longer.
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PostSubject: Re: Training Session   Training Session EmptyTue Nov 01, 2011 7:45 pm

Fin was quite obviously frustrated, and maybe it was getting to that thick noggin of hers; her first swipe would be dodged, but as she came back around, one anchor was twirled and tossed directly at her, the other soon to follow but barreling for the projected location of Mula's next move. She wouldn't bother picking them back up, and darted after the rabbit fullspeed without any weight to bear down on her. They would only tire her more quickly from here on, turning her choice of weapons into a fury of claws, fists, and jaws chock full of serrated teeth. Lest not forget that tail.
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PostSubject: Re: Training Session   Training Session EmptyTue Nov 01, 2011 8:25 pm

Mula gulped, as the powerhouse charged at her. It was a little tricky, but she had to do it or she'd be totaled by Fin's attack. There was no way she can dodge all of it, but the shark would be left very vulnerable if Mula was able to stand up afterwards....Mula fixated herself into a stance, putting her fists into an offensive position. She eyes the shark's feet and smiled. At the speed she was going, she had to fall for the tripwire. "Fall for it, fall for it..." she murmured, staring Fin dead in the eye. Of course, if she didn't, which was likely enough, Mula would just have to fight.

But really? Face to face fighting is so boringggggggg.
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PostSubject: Re: Training Session   Training Session EmptyTue Nov 01, 2011 9:13 pm

Fin bolted for her, blind to the oncoming tripwire; as if her paddle like feet weren't bad enough, the invisible wire was sure to do some damage. And just as Mula had hoped, Fin took one more furious step and there she went. Her body lurched forward, her momentum never slowing until she hit the ground, skidding painfully across the floor. Her long, lanky form tumbled in a mass of flailing limbs, fins and tail, rolling towards the rabbit with still a great amount of speed.
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PostSubject: Re: Training Session   Training Session EmptyTue Nov 01, 2011 9:35 pm

"Augh- knew that was going to happen!" Mula muttered, whipping out three small grenades. She bit off the caps with her bare teeth and flug them towards Fin. "Take this!!" Mula cried and quickly jumped out of the way, shooting to the over end of the platform, but not before she was rammed with Fin's tail as the shark plumetted towards the explosion. Mula was thrown back a bit as the grenades went off, smoke filling the air. She touches the invisible all of the rumble zone, picking herself up as best she could though she could tell that there was going to be a fine bruise on her leg for quite sometime. "And thats why I avoided contact with that giant carnivore..." Mula muttered, clenching her leg.

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PostSubject: Re: Training Session   Training Session EmptyTue Nov 01, 2011 10:15 pm

Fin caught only a tiny glimpse of what was to happen next, spotting the three grenades nearby as she skid to a stop. It was too late to do anything drastic, and right as the redhead curled up into a tight ball, they detonated. The shark cried as the small blasts hit her body, popping her flesh like fireworks; there were a few good burns, a ton of scratches, but probably the most damaging thing was the fact her mind had been blown to smithereens, metaphorically of course. Being so close to those explosions completely disoriented her; she was blind, deaf, and overall oblivious to her surroundings for the next few seconds. A few patches of blood spotted her body as she stumbled around in the cloud of smoke, arms flailing in front of her, trying to feel her way out. Any senses, which are entirely too sensitive, such as her acute electro-reception (ability to feel the vibrations all living things produce) were useless. Finally, she tumbled out of the mess, wheezing and coughing, eyes fluttering and trying to refocus, all the while searching for that dang rabbit.

Fin was at loss right now, her snout lifting in a vicious snarl. On her hands and knees, her fist balled and slammed into the dirt below her.
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PostSubject: Re: Training Session   Training Session EmptyTue Nov 01, 2011 10:21 pm

Really, Mula felt kind of bad for her.......The rabbit let out a snort. Not!! "Looks might owe me 10 buttons. Fufufufu!" There was a sense of victory that warmed Mula's chest. That makes ten in a row, yep. And hey, she actually challenged a more challenging opponent- and won. Well, almost. Mula kept herself in a steady position, ready to move whenever Fin did. She was skill catching her breath. Mula wasn't all for mercy or anything, but it still wasn't smart to get close to the physically more superior opponent despite the advantage. "You can give up now, or I'll finish you off," Mula laughed defiantly, "Your almost in my league- fufu. Almost."
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PostSubject: Re: Training Session   Training Session EmptyTue Nov 01, 2011 10:51 pm

Fin's head turned sharply towards the other's voice, her brow furrowing as she struggled to make out all those blurs. "Shut up!" She shouted in her general direction, quickly lifting to her feet, almost tripping, and began to stalk on over to her. Her fists were balled and her step was angry, heavy, and her tail swung to and fro behind her like the ticking tail of a cat. Her vision evened out, head shaking and ruffling her dirtied hair. This shark wasn't happy. "I oughta eat you for dinner." Fin spat, wiping a trickle of blood from her nose with the back of her hand. She continued making her way over, quickening her pace as she neared, hunched over with proud dorsal fin protruding upwards.
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PostSubject: Re: Training Session   Training Session EmptyWed Nov 02, 2011 4:12 pm

"Humph." Mula quickly drew several sharp pins from her bags, holding one in between each finger. She darted to the side and threw them in Fin's direction, scrambling to trail behind the shark while she was distracted dodging it. It was truly time to end this, for Mula grew tired of the shark. She put on a stoic expression and released a new burst of speed, trailing to the side of Fin. She was going for the shark's head.
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PostSubject: Re: Training Session   Training Session EmptyWed Nov 02, 2011 6:53 pm

Fin was growing tired as well, the rabbit's antics surely putting the shark off as neither them could really win, or lose. Maybe she should just give up...

Aqua eyes watched her every move; even through her peripheral, the rabbit was spied. The pins were dodged with a quick spin to the side, all but one missed, it pricking into her flesh with nothing more than an annoyed grunt. Mula's presence was felt nearing behind her, and the shark braced herself; she played along, and when the other came near enough, paddle foot pivoted and her body twisted with a harsh fling of her caudal tail, aiming for the ribcage.
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PostSubject: Re: Training Session   Training Session EmptyWed Nov 02, 2011 8:07 pm

"Guh!!" Mula cried, as the tail swatted her leg mid air. She touched the top of Fin's head before plummeting to the ground and beginning a steady roll, running into the wall of the platform which glowed blue at her dump against it. Despite this, she smirked. The rabbit carefully picked herself up, shaking off the pain a bit. She looked Fin in the eye, gesturing at her hair as if implying something.
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PostSubject: Re: Training Session   Training Session EmptyWed Nov 02, 2011 8:22 pm

Fin twisted about, targeting the rabbit once more; her gesture caused the shark to stop mid-stride, body fidgeting from lack of movement. Brows lofted and her head cocked to the side. "What's so funny, eh?!" She growled, stomping towards her, hand lifting to rummage through her crimson locks.

(oh gawsh, i fear some sort of bomb or contraption is stuck to her head XD)
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